View Full Version : Cleaner 6 doesn't work in 10.3.3?
Ted Springer March 27th, 2004, 05:48 AM Well I've run into my first snafu in 10.3.3. Cleaner 6, when launched, keeps asking for a name and password (not serial number, although I tried that as well) to connect to the computer server or something weird. No matter what I input, it says it is incorrect. It never did this before 10.3
Any ideas?
Jeff Donald March 27th, 2004, 06:01 AM Cleaner 6 is a phone home application. The product serial ID file is damaged or missing. This can happen when applications are moved, copied etc. (it can be an invisible file). The file can also become damaged or corrupt. You'll need to reinstall the application.
Ted Springer March 27th, 2004, 05:29 PM Reinstalling didn't help. Still does the same thing. I get the same prompt as when I am trying to connect to a network server, not a serial entry. Cleaner can run on systems that don't even have network setups, so I don't think it is trying to phone home.
Dave Perry March 30th, 2004, 09:42 PM Have you tried repairing permissions. I used Cleaner 6 in Panther today with no problems.
However, whenever I update the OS I repair permissions before and after the update, as well as before and after any software installs.
Jeff Donald March 30th, 2004, 10:10 PM The invisible serial file needs to be deleted or contact Discreet for assistance. If the reinstall didn't fix it, the serial file is damaged. The installation doesn't overwrite the old file.
Ted Springer March 30th, 2004, 10:48 PM Any way I can view the invisible files so I can find it and delete it?
Jeff Donald March 31st, 2004, 02:24 AM Use the find function (Apple Key, F) and change the content drop down to visibility, change the visible items drop down to visible and invisible items. Do a search on cleaner. Delete the file and log out and log back in. Reinstall Cleaner. It should ask for your serial again and you should be good to go.
Ted Springer April 1st, 2004, 03:05 AM What exactly am I looking for? When I search using "invisible" I get visable things, like my Cleaner alias or a JPG file called "Cleaner" (unrelated). Nothing that shows up from that search seems to be an actual invisible file. When I search for visable files, all of those are what I'd look for normally as well. I've tried deleting the prefs. But IMMEDIATELY when I double click the Cleaner icon, I am greeted with a Mac OS prompt stating:
Connect to file server "Ted Springer's Computer" as:
-Registered User
Name: Ted Springer
Password: ********
Every answer is wrong. It must be force quit. Even completely deleting everything from Cleaner and re-installing did not help.
I repair permissions after every time I install something. I would think this would be a permissions issue. Anyone else using Cleaner with 10.3.3 (specifically)?
Jeff Donald April 1st, 2004, 05:47 AM It sounds like your preferences file may be corrupt. It is trying to set up a network for rendering to a file server. Here's what to do, delete the Cleaner 6 Prefs file located at tedspringer (your home user file)>Library>Preferences>Cleaner 6 Prefs *Delete* Then launch the program. It should launch, but may need to be serialized again.
Ted Springer April 1st, 2004, 12:32 PM Well that fixed it! Except now the program is completely unresponsive and gives me the spinning pinwheel of death any time I try to do, well, anything.