View Full Version : How to PHYSICALLY Split Video Files

Mathew Kurtz
May 24th, 2009, 01:18 PM
Here's a theoretical situation I face:

I have a 5 minute video clip taking up about 800mb on my computer. I only want the last 30 seconds. The rest is just the camera pointing at the floor (for example). I don't want to trim and make LOGICAL subclips in Vegas, I want to turn my 800mb '001.mts' file into 100mb '001-1.mts' and 700mb '001-2.mts' PHYSICAL subclips. Then I want to delete '001-2.mts' FOREVER.

Ideally I would like to do this without having to sit through a lengthy render, and I absolutely do not want to compress the file.

How can I do this?

Willard Hill
May 24th, 2009, 02:39 PM
Select what you wish to save as a loop region, then select "render as" making sure the render loop region only box is selected. This will create your 30 sec. file in whichever file format you select in the save as type and template boxes.

Edward Troxel
May 24th, 2009, 03:38 PM
You may wish to look for a program that will actually split mpg2 files without rendering. There are some.

If you use Vegas, just split the clip at the point you want to start keeping, delete the rest, create a selection area around the part you want to keep, render it out (if you go to the exact same format, it *may* do so without recompressing), and then delete the original file.

Mathew Kurtz
May 25th, 2009, 10:53 AM
Well, I'm pretty sure it will compress my files because I have the Canon HF S100 and am recording at 24mbps. Vegas has a "Sony AVC" codec that maxes out at 16mbps. Maybe I would have to download some plugin to get the exact same codec.

Anyway, I've pretty much given up and started looking for 3rd party programs. Having luck with more custom made virtualdub style programs. What you lose in ease of use you gain in actually having it work without compressing the files. Using one called TsRemux right now (only 128kb files, imagine that) that does a good job, though I'm still on the lookout for ones with a bit better interface and batch processing. If anyone knows any good software lemme know!


Donald Blake
May 28th, 2009, 01:11 PM
Hi Mathew,

I'm definately not an expert here and I havent answered a lot of questions on this website but...

Can't you just capture the 30 seconds you want? with Vegas. without capturing the whole thing?

Jeremy Dallek
May 29th, 2009, 02:23 AM
Maybe try the Pixella software that came with the camera to split the file. I seem to remember it could do basic edits without rerendering. Not 100% sure though.

Richard Hunter
May 29th, 2009, 03:44 AM
Not sure if this allows for lossless save after splitting.

Cut AVCHD - Easily cut AVCHD Video Files (

There's a free demo version though, so could be worth a try.


Ron Evans
May 29th, 2009, 01:23 PM
Mathew if you still have it on the camera or card then if your HFS100 is like my Sony SR11 and XR500 it will allow you to edit in camera and split the file. Delete the shot of the floor. I used this a lot when on holiday and discovered some shots of my feet!!!!! I don't know what software came with your Canon but if you do not have clip still on the camera transfer back to the camera and edit. That way you can try a few times to get it correct. In camera editing is much quicker and cleaner than bothering with NLE software for this sort of trimming.

Ron Evans