View Full Version : First Light workflow

Anish Sharma
May 22nd, 2009, 11:58 PM
I used the latest build of first light and have been totally blown away by it. At the moment though, i have the following issues with the workflow: workflow is to ingest the video from the camera via hdlink and then auto split the file into scenes. Then i do a rough edit, tidy the edit up later on and then add transitions etc. Before finalising the timeline, i do color correction which is where first light comes in. The issue i face now is:

1. No easy way i could see to export all the edits into first light. In the first timeline i worked had about 100 edits and i had to load all the clips into first light manually and then go through the color correction. My next timeline is 2 hours long with close to 900 edits so iam not sure iam going to pull that one off.
2. The apply snapshot to the clip doesnt appear to work. I ended up correcting the white balance on every single clip
3. The clip does not automatically refresh on the first light window meaning..i get the grey box when i select a clip. To get the clip to show..i resize the windows and the clip appears. When you select the clip , the video preview windows should refresh which will probably fix the issue.

Even with the issues i have seen, i can see the potential with this tech so much so that i bought the beast. I just hope to see all the issues resolved and a workable workflow created quickly so i can start using this more.

David Newman
May 23rd, 2009, 09:55 AM
1.) We know this is a limitation today. Solutions coming.

2.) This should have been fixed with the release (do you have that yet?) Also snapshot is the slow way of doing it -- it is designed from saving color profiles between First Light sessions. Click on the correct clip, then Ctrl+C (copy), then select all the clip you want to same color applied, then Ctrl+V (paste) -- way faster.

3.) Many of these grey screens are fixed in We do still see this is switching between clip of different resolution or frame rate, but it should be solved for the same clip type.

If you are seeing issues in the current build, please submit a trouble ticket.

Glenn Babcock
May 23rd, 2009, 10:58 AM

I have also had issues with copy/paste or snapshot profiles in Sometimes it just doesn't take effect.

No grey screen issues for me so far.


David Newman
May 23rd, 2009, 11:25 AM

I'm seeing that to, somehow the First Light settings have become sticky. The Paste works only have you change something drasticaly (big sat push.) This is a weird bug. Sorry we have to fix that now.

P.S. We shipped an earlier verison, will get this sorted out Monday.

Dave Nuttall
June 2nd, 2009, 11:04 AM
Under Vista 64 with CS4PP 4.1, I would like to be able to apply First Light effects, but can't figure out how to make FL grab a clip.

Outside of CS4PP I have no problem importing a clip to FL and then manipulating it. I save the FL project and close/reopen and the changes are carried forward.

Now how to be able to see the effects in CS4PP before exporting the timeline??

Dave Nuttall
San Antonio, TX