View Full Version : steady shot with 24p

Michael Frkovich
May 22nd, 2009, 07:29 PM
I usually don't use steady shot stabilization when shooting with a tripod but I am
wondering if it is a good idea when shooting 24p. I have not done a lot of true 24
frame work before. Because of the very different nature of this style of filming, I
would like to ask some of you who are more experienced in this discipline. Does
using internal stabilization help or hinder with pans, dollying etc.

Robert Young
May 22nd, 2009, 07:42 PM
If your camera is mounted on a stable platform you should turn steady shot off, regardless of frame rate, dolly, pan, etc.
Steady shot is supposed to minimize the twitchy motion of the cam associated with shooting hand held, but if the cam is mounted, then all motion is intended motion and the steady shot can create subtle artifact.