View Full Version : wedding videos that we really like

Dean Morris
May 21st, 2009, 07:19 PM
Hi All,

Late last month, I was contacted by one of our photographer colleagues to ask if we were free on the 10th May - Mother's Day in Aust. For this photographer, we would do many things as she is our biggest referer and also a lovely person. I organised an appointment and touched base with the client regarding our scheduled appointment The groom sends me an email with a little side not of :

"Also if you have time, please have a look at the following links (wedding videos that we really like, just to get an idea)"

I wondered before clicking on the first link and confirmed who they were refering to....yep, StillMotion.

When we saw them, my wife and I needed to reinforce that we were not them, but also knew that what they were looking for was more movement (gliding) rather than a series of static shots. I've been using a handheld glidecam since Sep of last year, and was a bit concerned as to whether I could maintain the glidecam with just the armbrace - my wife took her glidetrack which she hasn't done for awhile and this is what we produced:

Simon & Cherry on Vimeo (

We would really like some feedback as we aimed to use what we've gained from many people including Matthew E, and blended it in with our own flare.
All critques welcome.

Susanto Widjaja
May 21st, 2009, 07:37 PM
Hi Dean,

I think the fact that this client expected more than other clients has certainly pushed you guys to another level. When there is challenge, there is growth and it just happened here.

Very very well done! I loved it and I'm sure the client would too. and may i just add that you have shown a very nice gesture to the client: "We are not someone else (still motion) but we can do great video too!" and delivered it.


PS: Say hello to Rochelle from me please :)

Dean Morris
May 21st, 2009, 07:57 PM
I think the fact that this client expected more than other clients has certainly pushed you guys to another level. When there is challenge, there is growth and it just happened here.


PS: Say hello to Rochelle from me please :)

Absolutely agree...the challenge and the expectation we placed on oursleves was immense. It's been a long while since we've gone to a shoot with only 2hrs sleep.

Shall definitely say hello to Rochelle :)

Matt Barwick
May 21st, 2009, 09:18 PM
Hi guys,

Congratulations on a beautiful piece. It had everything - footage, movement, editing, colouring, audio, storytelling - everything was top notch. Hard to fault it at all. You (and the couple) must be very happy with it so well done.

Like Santo, I like the fact that you pointed out 'we are not stillmotion' and created something with your own style and flare and unique for the couple.



P.S. at 3:50 with the reception time lapse, are you asking the photographer to get out of the shot?

Darren Smith
May 22nd, 2009, 12:04 AM
Hi Dean

Looks pretty good I must say, well done. Only a couple of small things that stood out a bit, I thought the glidetrack shots could have been slowed down a bit they looked a bit rushed, and some of your glidecam footage the walking motion was quite noticeable, but I know how hard that can be to eliminate altogether, and finally the shot at 3:36'ish where they fade out of the night traffic spot then cut back in did not look right for me. Again well done.

Jason Robinson
May 22nd, 2009, 12:47 AM
Wow, I must say that if my clients even mentioned Stillmotion I have have to stop them there (or ask a fee that is even 40% of Stillmotion's cheapest and buy a crap ton of equipment to raise my technical standards.... then practice like mad to try to develop something resembling an artistic touch).

But after quaking in my shoes, excusing myself to go outside and curse my luck, I would come back in and explain that I am not them.

Ok, having whined enough, I'll now watch your vid.


Fantastic work! SM influenced shooting or not, you had some great emotion in the piece (I loved the two cams of the groom at the door). Did you stage that or was that live with two cams?

The colors were simply amazing in the dark sections. I must consider underexposing my footage some time to highlight the subjects. I have never shot in those very low light situations with out also cranking up the gain to compensate..... some of your shots sure did make me think about leaving the gain at 0 and allowing the footage to be very dark, and to then only light what I need. Some shots did seem "too dark" but that is probably the price to pay for eliminating grain from the shot (and not resorting to NeatVideo, etc).

Also, it is comforting to see someone else producing fantastic videos shooting with the Glidecam (and not the Pilot) which leaves me with some hope for the potential of my productions since there is no way I can go for a vest & arm setup like that (not in this economy and not with my clients).

The music & visuals matched very well. I also thought you did a great job of mixing the ambient / live audio with the soundtrack and properly ducking the song under when needed.

I also thought the non-linear presentation was pretty good. I still don't know if I can pull it off and have it make sense.

I have to say the "money" shot for me was the silhouette shot at 2:32 which look absolutely fantastic. Blows me away how the blues pop out from the sky, how the sun shines through the veil. Just an amazing shot.

I also liked the time lapse of the guests entering the reception. I do that shot too and I just like how the B&G react when they see a nice fast time warp (I try to watch the video with with B&G when I deliver it.... that is one of my chief joys in this business! Seeing them react to their wedding day).

Overall, I'd say your clients absolutely got what they were looking for, and at practically any price, your production is absolutely worth it.

Dean Morris
May 23rd, 2009, 04:16 AM
Thanks Darren,

Yes, I was toying with the idea of slowing the glidtrack scenes down & the night shot fade in/out - that was an attempt to be different & knew that I may have mixed reactions to it.

Thanks Jason,

The glidecam is not an easy utensil without the smoothshooter, and I'm hoping to be able to add it in the next season. As Darren mentioned, it can be noticed when it becomes wonky. If you have one, keep the practice up.


Susanto Widjaja
May 23rd, 2009, 07:50 AM
i can't help to ask, what song is it that you used in this video?? pm me if you like.

Thank you!!!

Dean Morris
May 23rd, 2009, 09:01 AM
Natalie Bassingthwaighte 1000 stars...couple's choice