Chris Hurd
May 20th, 2009, 11:45 PM
DV Info Net members are invited by DVX User to participate in a video equipment
raffle with all proceeds going to a charity organization called Isara ( which was founded
by P.K. Gillock, one of their long-standing members in Thailand. In order to facilitate
Isara's various projects (, they need a van... they can buy one with $7500. Their goal
is to raise that money by raffling off $7500 worth of choice video equipment as prizes.
You can get in on the action for $5 just per ticket.
The raffle prizes have been generously donated by DVX User sponsors,
and it's quite a haul -- there's a lot of great gear that will be going out
to some lucky raffle winners. See the full list at the links below. The
drawings will be held on June 11th.
Buy your raffle tickets at - Charity Raffle - Video Equipment (
There are purchase links at the bottom right of each one of the prize
descriptions on that page.
Full details and everything else you need to know can
be found in the DVX User discussion thread is located at:
Video Equipment Charity Raffle - $7,500 in prizes - $5 Tickets!! - (
(since the charity organizers aren't members here, please
post replies directly to that particular DVX User discussion).
Thanks for participating,
raffle with all proceeds going to a charity organization called Isara ( which was founded
by P.K. Gillock, one of their long-standing members in Thailand. In order to facilitate
Isara's various projects (, they need a van... they can buy one with $7500. Their goal
is to raise that money by raffling off $7500 worth of choice video equipment as prizes.
You can get in on the action for $5 just per ticket.
The raffle prizes have been generously donated by DVX User sponsors,
and it's quite a haul -- there's a lot of great gear that will be going out
to some lucky raffle winners. See the full list at the links below. The
drawings will be held on June 11th.
Buy your raffle tickets at - Charity Raffle - Video Equipment (
There are purchase links at the bottom right of each one of the prize
descriptions on that page.
Full details and everything else you need to know can
be found in the DVX User discussion thread is located at:
Video Equipment Charity Raffle - $7,500 in prizes - $5 Tickets!! - (
(since the charity organizers aren't members here, please
post replies directly to that particular DVX User discussion).
Thanks for participating,