View Full Version : white balance and church

Alex Moreau
May 20th, 2009, 12:12 PM
Hi all,

We use Sony dsr450 to shoot events and wedding.
I was wondering how you guys set your white balance when filming the church ceremony.
I usually set the cam on white preset and switch on 5600k filter.
The footage seems a bit too warm, people's face turn out like well tanned.
I can still color correct later but it's not as good as if the footage was just fine.
The problem is that I don't have time to do a white balance before the ceremony.
Wedding videos are still low budget here and it's usually a one cam shoot.
People don't really bother about a pro filming.

Here in France, there is usually a first ceremony at the city hall and then we just rush to the church.
When the wedding starts right at the church, I always arrive in advance to film the church outside and other cut aways. At this time, the color balance is not the ceremony one as the lights are all off and the priest arrives at the last minute.
Also priests don't always like the video guy here in France.

I was thinking having a setting at 4200k just for the church but i'm a bit wary.
Or I could set the dsr450 on the ATW.

Thanks for your help! :)

Tim Harjo
May 21st, 2009, 02:11 AM
I just do the best I can while I'm there and then tweak it to where I want it in post. I don't go for accuracy though. I go for what I feel is more captivating.

Asvaldur Kristjansson
May 21st, 2009, 07:45 AM
Hi, you set the WB on white surface or paper but by selecting another filter after that then your WB will change. I use preset WB for outdoor and do a manual WB indoor. If there are lot of windows in the church then I can use almost the same setting as I use outdoors. I always have a white card in my bag in case there is no true white surface to take the correct WB.

Alex Moreau
May 23rd, 2009, 05:49 AM
I start filming the church ceremony outside when all the guests arrive, the groom and then the bride.
Then I go inside not far from the entrance so I can film the groom walking up the "aile" (not sure of the spelling there) with his mummy, then the bride with her old man.
The ceremony is a bit stressfull as it's a one camera shoot.
Wedding video is not as big here as it is in the US. Most people just prefer to film it themselves.

I dont think I want to start switching from one WB to another, too risky.
Okay the footage is warm but I'm a bit fussy.
I can color correct easily and it's probably the way to go.

Thanks for your answers and happy filming!

Dany Badaoui
May 24th, 2009, 04:10 AM
im not too sure about your camera i think the sony cams are better with the auto white balance, but with my XHA1 i just zoom in on some white and press the white balance button every time i either go indoors or out. works a treat for me.