View Full Version : Who has Premiere CS4 running stable?

Kevin Janisch
May 18th, 2009, 08:19 PM
Just a quick question guys. 10+ year Premiere user here who shelved Premeire CS3 and went back to CS2 because of increased instability. Now with Sony Vegas 8 but have been reading good things about CS4.

Just want to know who has Premiere CS4 running stable. Anybody cutting long form projects say over 1.5 hours without any memory leak problems or crashes? If so, how much ram and computer specs. DV, HDV, etc? Many thanks.


Eric Addison
May 18th, 2009, 10:12 PM
It's running great for me. I've got it running on my workstation under Vista64 and my laptop with Vista32, and they both handle DV and HDV with no problems. I've worked with HD on the workstation (P2 and XDCAM HD) on both, but the workstation handles the footage very smoothly.

I haven't done much long form work with it, but I've pushed it hard using dynamic link and mixing formats, and it's performed really well. I'd recommend it.

I would say this, the more powerful the system, the better your experience will be...I'd say run Vista64 with as much RAM as you can get.

Brett Griffin
May 19th, 2009, 12:11 AM
I am running CS4 Master Collection under Vista 64 (and now have the trial version installed under windows 7 RC1 which is running exceptionally well)

I have a core I7 920 o/c to 3.6ghz with 12gb DDR3 1600 ram on a Asus P6T motherboard.
O/S on 500gb HDD
500gb HDD as a extra for miscellaneous files
and 2 x 1TB HDD's running as Raid0 to editing from.

Entire system has yet to have a problem, and has been runing in its current setup for about 3 months.

Most my edits are 60 - 90 mins, on numerous timelines. I do mainly Weddings so I break up each section to its own timeline so I can work individually with them before nesting them into a main timeline to Dynamic link to Encore and/or After Effects.

Griffin Video Productions - Sydney Wedding Videos and DVD (

Alan Craven
May 19th, 2009, 11:51 PM
Running on XP32, a move from 2 GB of memory to 4 GB improved stability somewhat, but a change from a Core 2, 3 GHz to a quad core 3 GHz processor made a major difference. The original problems were not crashing, but freezing for two or three minutes at intervals.

I think the moral is, use Vista 64, with the fastest quad core processor you can find, and maybe 8 GB of memory.