View Full Version : Cineform on After Effects CS4 - error (0 :: 42)
Frederic Leclair May 18th, 2009, 06:10 PM I tried installing ProspectHD trial with After Effects CS4 and I got (0 :: 42) error at opening after having working only once with it.
I searched site for code and I forums and it said it`s preferences, OpenGL or pluggins.
I have desinstalled ProspectHD trial and fixed problem.
I`d like to know before buying an upgrade to AspectHD v5 if this (0 :: 42) bug is known and if it occurs often ?
Also, I'd like to know which of Cineform's product allow AspectHD medias to be read/interracted/exported in Afeter Effects CS4.
Sells department seems to push ProspectHD, but website seems to suggest Neo Scene could do that as well...
I'm under Windows Vista 64-bit.
David Newman May 18th, 2009, 06:17 PM For After Effects you need Neo HD or Prospect HD, Neo Scene doesn't have an AE exporter. CS4 works fine with the latest tools, you should contact support about that error.
Frederic Leclair May 18th, 2009, 06:42 PM It was only with the trial version of ProspectHD, can I have support for that? The time it will take my trial will be exausted anyhow...
Frederic Leclair May 18th, 2009, 06:48 PM You'Re saying it take NeoHD or ProspectHD, but it's written on Cineform's website that neoscen work with ADOBE CS4 ?
Is it a mistake?
Cineform NeoScene : Specifications (
David Newman May 18th, 2009, 07:56 PM Not a mistake, but Neo Scene is a consumer product with base level functionality alone. It using a Video for Windows codec for most import and output, whereas Neo HD and P.HD adds an export module to AE which supports DShow encoding, high quality and bit precisions. Try them both, determine the best for you.
Frederic Leclair May 19th, 2009, 06:02 PM Thank you David
Frederic Leclair May 20th, 2009, 11:40 AM I bought ProspectHD.
As soon as I open After Effects CS4 I get same crash (0 :: 42).
Here's what ADOBE has got to say on matter:
"Adobe doesn't need to release an update for this specific issue. If it crashes on launch, it's the codec developer who needs to release an update for their product.
I mentioned in another thread that After Effects will get a bugfix update. But I don't know if it will help with this particular issue, which sounds like something Cineform should take care of.
The Prospect HD 4.01 update seems to bring CS4 compatibility, but it's not entirely clear if they mean Premiere Pro or also After Effects. Make sure the trial version is also 4.01."
Adobe tech tested trial of prospectHD in Windows XP with AE CS4 with no problem. Could Vista or 64-bit cause problem? The computer I'm using is a fresh install so no bugs should be present.
Frederic Leclair May 20th, 2009, 09:37 PM I managed to accidentaly fix it byt uninstalling all and clearing folder and installing prospect one last time to have it there for when I finally get someone to help me troubleshoot it for tech support. I tried logging in AE one last time and it was fixed !
I managed to open a few project files and work 3-4 hour with it.
I noticed 2 strange things:
1 -) When I scrub or go from frame to fram with Page Up/down, I only see 1 frame every 2 frames.
2-) I sometimes had black screen with artefacts of pink and whitish colors; they looked like intererance on a video message straight from a cheap 80s scifi TV movie.
One day later I open my project file click in a random place in timeline to see frame, I then get error (5065 :: 0) followed by 3 error (0 :: 42).
Then back to crashing upon opening.
Reading about error (5065 :: 0) it recalled me that the project was in full res display (my colorist was using this on his Mac with AE CS3 to display on his hdtv be fore I transfered corrected project to this current machine). Seems according to Mylenium's site that this can cause that bug.
I'll try to redo steps I did that caused my prospecthd to work, but this feels pretty flimsy, there's something deeper that remain unfix to have AE so unstable.