View Full Version : Which helmet, snake, bullet, spy etc. cam?

Tim Ribich
May 16th, 2009, 07:00 AM
After quite a bit of searching I'm still a bit confused as to what would work best.

We need a relatively inexpensive color camera/monitor system that could be used in a small Cessena class airplane to look straight down and feed a display the pilot could view. We have an SLR in place and would like to be able to see what the SLR is seeing.

Any advice as to what/where to look would be much appreciated.


Ervin Farkas
May 18th, 2009, 09:41 PM
Sony Product Detail Page - HXRMC1/ACC (

Lloyd Coleman
May 19th, 2009, 03:50 PM
Take a look at the ZigView and see if it will work for you. As I understand it, you hook it up directly to the viewfinder of the SLR and it will output a video feed so the pilot could see exactly what the SLR is seeing. The price is about $400.

Tim Ribich
May 23rd, 2009, 03:19 PM
Sony Product Detail Page - HXRMC1/ACC (

Appreciate the link Ervin, but this unit is WAY beyond what we're looking for.

Tim Ribich
May 23rd, 2009, 03:31 PM
Take a look at the ZigView and see if it will work for you. As I understand it, you hook it up directly to the viewfinder of the SLR and it will output a video feed so the pilot could see exactly what the SLR is seeing. The price is about $400.

Hi Lloyd,

I have done a fair amount of research on the ZigView but feel there's better & more flexible systems that one can put together. Seeing thru the lens is not a requirement although I have read about do-it-yourself ZigView-like systems that can be built for a fraction of the cost with readily available parts. Unfortunately, I can't find that info now that I need it.

While the size is right, it looks like the typical helmet cams captures video directly to a media card. Not sure whether it can feed a small monitor. (?) The snake cam might prove useful for other applications as well, but just not sure how well built they might be for our purposes.

But my main source of confusion is how any of these cameras would work 1-2k feet over terrain? I get the impression they work best in an indoor setting and whether they would work at all ourdoors... Haven't found any info to confirm or rule out either way.

Scott Nelson
May 23rd, 2009, 10:20 PM
Well, Being the type of guy I am I am very resorceful...

Ritz Camera just shut down tons of stores... So I went around to the closing stores to look for deals. After getting a nice lighting kit I noticed they had security cameras on sale... Swann brand.

I took a risk and got one... It was like half off for $30

I get home, Open it up, throw on a 9V battery, hook it up to the AV input on my XH-A1 and amazingly, I have video!

Now, This is nothing HD... It is like 380 lines, so, crappy... But it works for any shots I need that I don't want to stick $3,000 worth o' camera in.. Such as under a moving 4 Wheeler.

It is "weatherproof" so... rain, moisture, dust... not a problem, as the lens is protected.

Comes with RCA video out, and one audio output (Can't vouch for audio... never used it.)

But here is a link to the product... I think it goes for about $60 or so in stores.... :: Security Devices :: Physical Security :: BULLET CAM BY SWANN (

(I think it is outdated now... It took forever to find that link... But they all work the same)

Scott Nelson
May 23rd, 2009, 10:22 PM
Here is the link to the manufactures page

Swann Security - Home & Business Security - BulletCam - Compact & Sleek Color Security Camera (

Tim Ribich
May 24th, 2009, 08:56 AM
Now, This is nothing HD... It is like 380 lines, so, crappy... But it works for any shots I need that I don't want to stick $3,000 worth o' camera in.. Such as under a moving 4 Wheeler.

Well there 'ya go! Under a 4 wheeler.. or attached to a Cessna aircraft.

Thanks much for the information. As for the resolution, "crappy" would be good enough as it's only for reference. But I'm wondering if a cam line this was connected to a field monitor of some kind would that be sufficient res to identify the same kinds of objects one's eye could? For example, looking down at 4k feet you can make out buildings & roads. Would these be apparent as well?

Bottom line is given the relatively low expense I'll just go ahead and pick up something like this and do some experimenting-- but any insight as to what one realistically could expect would be appreciated.

Dale Guthormsen
May 31st, 2009, 08:35 PM
Good evening,

curiously, could the vga plug go into a camcorder and then record that video footage?