View Full Version : New Save the Date - Please review! 1st STD video!

David Sager
May 14th, 2009, 07:54 PM
Hey all,

Wanted to to check in with you all and let you know that I just finished editing my first Save the Date video. It was for sure an experience and I hope to do more in the near future.

Please critic... I would love to hear all your guy opinions.

Save The Date - Emily and Ryan on Vimeo (



Susanto Widjaja
May 14th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Hi David,

Here's what I think about your video.

1. I think your style is definitely unique. I seriously can see some potential.
2. lacking CU shots
3. too much burn effects
4. not much going on
5. love some of the rack focusing
6. 01:51 there is a weird black frame.

There you go, my 2 cents. I hope it helps :)


Louis Maddalena
May 15th, 2009, 04:43 PM
I agree, there is way to much burn effects going on, and half way though the flash flames of black started to get to me.

You had a lot of good ideas, but for me it was a lot of the same through out the whole video, and because of this it was hard for me to keep focus. The out of focus shots, were creative, but there was to many of them. The couple would probably like to see themselves in focus more than out of focus.

You need some kind of story to bring your "characters" through the video. Why do they end up there. Although I do like the story-less videos, I feel like those need to either be shorter or have a song that is brings the video to the end.

All-in-all, I liked it. I just feel like it was too long and had some effects over used. I would say for your next one either make it shorter or use some different effects to bring you to the end, and possibly throw a story in there. Like what is the couple doing, where are they going, etc.

Hope that helps.

John Knight
May 15th, 2009, 07:55 PM
You probably would not want to refer to it as an "STD Video" either... ;)

Travis Cossel
May 15th, 2009, 09:50 PM
I'm a little torn because I felt like your editing was creative and quirky, and not what you typically see .. so kudos there. But the lack of ANY sort of story or purpose really killed the video for me. I kept expecting some sort of odd revelation to match the editing and it just never happened.

The entire opening had all of these abstract shots of buildings and whatnot, and I just really didn't understand the purpose. It's nearly a minute into the video before you really introduce the couple, and to me that's just way too long for a piece that's supposed to be about the couple.

You had some fun and creative shots, and a fresh editing style .. you just need some sort of motivation behind the video that the viewer can pick up on. Hope that helps!

Nicholas de Kock
May 17th, 2009, 01:32 PM
Not bad for a 1st my friend, I'm not going to crit your production, you pulled some creative shots. I usually enhance my productions with Magic Bullet Looks, this will turn any video into good looking footage. Also remember there are no rules! Do what you feel is right, many here have pointed out some great advice, follow it but never see it as rules, follow your gut. Looking forward to see more of your work, we all start here.