View Full Version : Curse you, Bill Gates!

Andy Tejral
May 14th, 2009, 05:19 PM
How the heck did this happen?

I went out with my new toys, HMC150 and Zoom H2, and shot some stuff to practice syncing.

I don't yet have an SDHC reader so first I hooked up the H2 via USB and transfered the two wav files. Took a long time but successfully done.

Unhook the H2 and hook up the HMC. Tranfer about a gig of mts files. (Took less time than the megabytes of audio--wierd). But Fine. Done.

Unhook the HMC and figure out how to clear the card. Good. Done.

Look back at the computer. I transfered the video to the H2 that I had removed! Windows didn't complain at all! So, an hour of travel and 45 minutes of shooting--gone!


Jack Bellford
May 14th, 2009, 08:17 PM
I transfered the video to the H2 that I had removed!

So I'm confused here. This is Bill's fault..... because??

Andy Tejral
May 14th, 2009, 09:09 PM
Yeah, well you're from Canada. I'm from US. Therefore, nothing could EVER be MY fault. Especially when there is a convenient scapegoat. Duh!

But really, windows didn't even notice there wasn't that the destination wasn't there. How could it not know that? Where was it sending the information? Generally, the computer goes, "Ya got that? Yup, send me some more.' Not in this case.

And, I say again


Bruce Foreman
May 14th, 2009, 09:40 PM
Never clear a card until you have confirmed it's data resides safely at destination. Preferably two destinations.

I initially copy off to two external hard drives.

A bit paranoid possibly.

But I'm not yelling, "Curse you, Bill Gates!"

Pete Bauer
May 14th, 2009, 09:50 PM
Without any data on the hardware and software, this isn't very useful to anyone. At the very least, what version of Window was it? Other worthwhile info would be service packs/patches, any less common hardware configs, did you run a system diagnostic, what software might have interacted, if any...?

An hour of travel to "practice?" Ok, but don't blame Bill for that. Anyway, it's better to learn lessons on practice shots than on the ones that are really important. Regardless of any issues with the hardware or software, deleting the original file without verifying a good copy is a jellyware mistake. Honestly, I don't EVER delete files from my card until I have two good copies in separate locations on my network. I verify the file count so I know I got 'em all, scan the file sizes to make sure they look appropriate, and at least spot check a few files to verify that they open properly.

And don't insult Canadians. They invented hockey and are therefore beyond reproach (except for Dylan).

EDIT: Bruce beat me to it. There, told you so. ;-)

Jack Bellford
May 15th, 2009, 03:31 AM
Yeah, well you're from Canada. I'm from US. Therefore, nothing could EVER be MY fault. Especially when there is a convenient scapegoat. Duh!

But really, windows didn't even notice there wasn't that the destination wasn't there.


Sorry, didn't mean to offend or twist the knife any deeper, but what you're saying is pretty much impossible. You simply CAN'T transfer data to a non existent drive. You can't do it with windows, you can't do it with a mac and not even with Linux.

You made a mistake some where that's for sure and I know when that happens it's frustrating as hell, but it's not the mistake you're claiming.

Andy Tejral
May 15th, 2009, 05:06 AM
You simply CAN'T transfer data to a non existent drive. You can't do it with windows, you can't do it with a mac and not even with Linux.

Exactly, and yet, that's what happened.

The zoom appeared as drive F. I'm not sure what the hmc appeared as--maybe F again and I didn't notice.

But I saw the transfer happening and I saw the tranfer completed.

No, blaming Bill Gates isn't rational but that's not gonna stop me.

Like I said, this is America, it can't possibly be my fault.

Pete Bauer
May 15th, 2009, 05:55 AM
Not seeing this thread going in a positive direction so I'm closing it.

Chris Hurd
May 15th, 2009, 06:26 AM
I don't yet have an SDHC reader...Just a quick note in closing: there's really no excuse *not* to have an SDHC card reader. This is a $10 item that's readily available at your local neighborhood discount store / nationwide pharmacy chain. I would say that the primary issue at stake here is, if you're going to use SDHC memory, then you must have an SDHC card reader. That is the lesson that should be carried away from this experience.