View Full Version : Overscan question.
Sukhpal Singh May 14th, 2009, 03:42 AM Hello friends,
I'm having problem solving the overscan thing in the 4:3 TV.
My movie plays fine on 20 inch TV and I can see all the parts of it except the normal over scan that is expected to be out of screen.
But when I play the same on bigger 26 inch TV, the overscan area is different and the side parts of the movie cuts off much more than expected. Though the sub titles show up completely but they are at the very bottom of the screen where as on 20 inch TV they are little higher from the border of TV.
I'm planning to send this movie to the festivals and they are going to show it on big projectors, should I be concerned about this fact that these projectors might have different overscan area and it will look even different with more side parts cutting off. I do not want the sub titles to be cut off or do you think I should move the sub titles even further up to avoid this thing?
Please advice me that if the sub titles are showing up on both the 20 inch and 26 inch TV should I be concerned about them when played on projector.
Chris Soucy May 14th, 2009, 04:04 AM I think what is happening (assuming these are both standard 4:3 CRT displays) is that the Vertical Height and Horizontal Width controls on the screens in question are not correctly set.
If they were, both screens would be showing exactly the same amount of the picture.
Both of those controls (should!) be available on the rear of the sets (or even on the main control panel, depending on their provenance and sophistication) and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to get them into something approaching normal.
If they either aren't there or don't do the job (when eventually found) there's something else going on.
Check out the controls on both the sets mentioned and see if that fixes the problem.
If not, get back to us, 'cos there's something wierd going on.
PS: By the way - where's Jalandhar? I've been all over India like a rash and can't place the name, though I feel I should know it.
Tripp Woelfel May 14th, 2009, 05:28 AM I'd be silly to disagree with the knowledgeable young man called Chris, so I won't. But I think there's a bit more to say on the subject.
I read somewhere not too long ago that the reason why the "title safe" area for video is so small is to accommodate exactly the phenomenon you've encountered. For consumer level CRT televisions, it's difficult to control the amount of overscanning it might do. Voltage fluctuations at your wall power outlet, component degradation over time and other items will effect the amount of overscan so you will get variations from TV to TV with CRT models. LCD and plasma units do not suffer this since their pixel locations are effectively locked in place.
Projection sets, both CRT and DLP units will have varying overscan settings that may need to be modified to properly display your movie on screen. Some sets let the user modify these. My 52" DLP does not so I'd probably need a tech to do it.
In the final analysis, if you adhere to the action and title safe regions, you'll be all set with the vast majority of TVs.
Sukhpal Singh May 14th, 2009, 06:32 AM Hello Chris and Tripp,
Thanks for the response. I checked out the back of both TV sets but there is no button for overscan settings.
Do you think if the titles are appearing on both of these TV sets, they will play good on different TVs without any problem?
When I worked on the titles, I already used the space well within the limits of title safe area but this difference in overscan has put the titles at very bottom of the 26 inch TV which is making me think if they will appear OK on even bigger sets or not.
The frame is also cutting too much from all sides but I can live with it as I can't do anything about it but I want to make sure that titles appear OK when they play it for the festival.
Should I be concerned about the titles or should I leave them the way they are?
Chris, Jalandhar is in the northern state of Punjab and famous for sports goods and hand tools. If you know where the Golden Temple is, it's about 80km from there...
Chris Soucy May 14th, 2009, 09:23 PM Nice to see you again Tripp!
Ah, you've caught me out, a glimmer of an earlier incarnation worked it's way into my first reply. Bugger.
I worked as a demented back room techie for a few years back when CRT's were the only game in town, and hauling the backs of friends tellies to crank down the overscan became one of my party tricks.
It was suprising how many were miles outside the "average" settings and thus biting into the "title safe" area.
Never did find out why, as I had friends showing off brand spanking new Sony's etc which displayed this straight out of the factory.
Wasn't a voltage problem either.
Whatever, sounds like Sukhpal has come across a set verging on being "out of range".
No idea what the quality control is like on Indian sourced (Indian made?) sets, so no idea how common this could be.
As you say Tripp, as long as he's in the TS area he should be good with the "majority".
Sukhpal - I just checked out Jalandhar on Google and realised I must have been throught it at least 3 times during my travels. Not somewhere I stopped as I was obviously going from somewhere to somewhere else via.
Nice part of the world.
Most vivid memories?
Camped out on the verandah of the Atari Road Customs House on the Indian/ Pack border in the early 70's for 5 - 6 weeks whilst about 100 plus travelers from across the planet tried to embarass both governments into opening the border for land crossings (we succeeded).
Amazingly clear skies and awesome electrical storms at night.
An afternoon and night at the Golden Temple enjoying the wonderfull hospitality of our Sikh hosts in about, oh, hmm, 1991, I think. That is one experience not to be missed before you die.
Really must get back to India soon.
Sukhpal Singh May 14th, 2009, 10:31 PM Thanks for the detailed response and I'm relieved to know that it's the problem with TV because I'm already too tired working on the movie and don't want to touch it again.
In case you happen to visit this part o thef country again, do let me know...
Chris Soucy May 15th, 2009, 12:16 AM You're on.
Next time I come over, I'll definately arrange a "rest stop" in Jalandhar and you can show me the sights.
Tripp Woelfel May 15th, 2009, 06:34 AM I worked as a demented back room techie for a few years...
It all becomes clear to me now. (grin)
Good to see you again to, Chris.