Michael Shires
May 12th, 2009, 11:27 AM
I installed a 3rd party TT font into my system using Font Library, shows up in every app but Motion 3. Running Leopard on Mac Pro with 10 gigs of ram. Repaired permissions, checked the manual, other forums -- so far haven't found an answer. Any ideas?
Mitchell Lewis
May 12th, 2009, 09:10 PM
I assume you mean Font Book not Font Library.
Did you validate the font? Launch Font Book, highlight the font in question and choose File>Validate Font. You can also select all your fonts (command+a) and Validate all your fonts. This is another good thing to check with a problematic computer.
The only thing I've never been able to find is a program that will repair a bad font. (sigh)
Oh, one other thing. Did you check to see where the font was installed? Maybe it's not actually in a font folder. For example, Microsoft Office installs many of it's fonts into a folder inside the Office application folder.
Michael Shires
May 13th, 2009, 05:48 AM
Yes, I meant Font Book. Thanks for the help. The font won't validate so I guess that explains it. I appreciate your reply.