View Full Version : What's Fair?

Lisa Bennett
May 11th, 2009, 10:38 AM
I have a project with volunteer people coming on. Not a big project, minimum crew/cast. It's a church media project and I have a company that can help distribute.

What percentage is fair to offer the main people should we make some sales? Should everyone from top of the list crew/cast to the PA's all receive a % (different % of course) but what's your thoughts and ideas on keeping it fair.

From the beginning everyone knows it is a no-pay project but if it makes some money then everyone should share in the benefits.


Tripp Woelfel
May 12th, 2009, 05:26 AM
I do not believe there are any hard and fast rules on this, save this. Establish any "revenue sharing" in writing, up front and have everyone sign it. It will potentially save you some grief down the line.

If you're the "boss" of this project, you decide the splits. You can segment the percentages based upon job category or by individual, but the latter is riskier if someone wants to sue you later.

As the Producer or Executive Producer of this project, you're the best one to judge what's fair for your team.