View Full Version : My latest SDE with 5DMII

Garry Garza
May 10th, 2009, 06:13 AM
Just sharing my latest sde with 5dmII & some DIY stuff.

Ronald & Iris Same Day Edit on Vimeo (

Chris Barcellos
May 10th, 2009, 10:58 AM
Very nice job. Some great shots set to very nice music.

Jim Snow
May 10th, 2009, 02:09 PM
Garry, I think a good title for your piece is "Depth of Field Demonstration". The artful use of depth of field control can add a great deal to a production. It can be very artistic and it is also a very useful way to shift the focus of attention. In order to develop proficiency in the use of depth of field control, it takes lots of practice like you did with the the clip you showed.

Since depth of field control can add such impact, it is also easy to overuse. When it is, it becomes very distracting or even irritating. Keep up the practice, I'm sure you can make very good use of your new camera but use depth of field "demonstrations" judicially in your actual productions or you will accidentally make your work look amateurish if you overdo it.

It's the same with the wide angle lens that you used. The use of extreme wide angle can also be artfully used but when used too much or in an inappropriate scene, it can be a turnoff.