View Full Version : Flash Movies to play on MAC Created on PC

Mike Hardy
May 9th, 2009, 12:56 PM
This gets worse!
I successfully created FLASH flv. Files for the client on my PC. The report back from the Web Administrator is that they will not play on her MAC computer. My understanding is that it should make no difference, although I have never owned a MAC. The files were on disc, flv format AND Mpeg -4 format, so there was a choice. Any ideas or advice guys?

Chris Davis
May 9th, 2009, 08:50 PM
This probably has less to do with Mac/PC differences and more to do with the settings you used to create the FLV. Remember, FLV (like AVI, MOV, etc.) is simply a container format. Within that format can be several different codecs, and with each codec can be many different options and settings.

Ask the web administrator exactly what codec and settings they want you to use.

Seth Bloombaum
May 9th, 2009, 10:49 PM
I've had some so-far unexplained playback-from-disk problems with Adobe Flash Media Player 9 on the mac. Even, sometimes, with files created with Compressor or Flash Media Encoder on the mac. The same file does fine when embedded in a player on a web page, mac/pc, safari, IE, firefox.

Has she embedded them with a player on a web page yet?

BTW, have you seen them play on a PC?

Mike Hardy
May 10th, 2009, 12:28 PM
This probably has less to do with Mac/PC differences and more to do with the settings you used to create the FLV. Remember, FLV (like AVI, MOV, etc.) is simply a container format. Within that format can be several different codecs, and with each codec can be many different options and settings.

Ask the web administrator exactly what codec and settings they want you to use.

Hi Chris. Thankyou for your response. Sadly, the Web administrator is less technically astute than I am!! I have tried repeatedly to get input, but my dictat is that I must produce footage to be uploaded using FLOWPLAYER; it matters not what the format, as long as it can be uploaded using the method. I was originally asked for FLASH, flv, which I have produced, but also the clips backed up in MPEG-4 format, as I thought the H.264 codec might produce better results. The flv's were simply rendered straight from my NLE, (Videostudio X2 Pro), without any additions or modifications from me. The original footage is HDV.

Mike Hardy
May 10th, 2009, 12:34 PM
I've had some so-far unexplained playback-from-disk problems with Adobe Flash Media Player 9 on the mac. Even, sometimes, with files created with Compressor or Flash Media Encoder on the mac. The same file does fine when embedded in a player on a web page, mac/pc, safari, IE, firefox.

Has she embedded them with a player on a web page yet?

BTW, have you seen them play on a PC?

Hi Seth, thanks for the input. She simply has stated that "her machine will not read it". I am trying to ellicit more from her. I played the files on my PC, after they were made. The flash played fine on VLC player and also on REAL player. The MPEG-4 files also play perfectly on VLC player. I have no idea how to resolve it.

Martin Mayer
May 10th, 2009, 01:57 PM
If she just double-clicked on a .flv file, it's quite likely it won't open/play.

She needs a .flv-capable player on her Mac, like "VLC"?

Or, as Seth pointed out - she needs to embed them in a web-page first, to use the Flash Player in her browser (unlikely, from your description).

Mike Hardy
May 11th, 2009, 06:07 AM
If she just double-clicked on a .flv file, it's quite likely it won't open/play.

She needs a .flv-capable player on her Mac, like "VLC"?

Or, as Seth pointed out - she needs to embed them in a web-page first, to use the Flash Player in her browser (unlikely, from your description).

Hi Martin. Thank you for trying to help. The latest is that her MAC won't even recognise that she has a disc in her machine. When I made the disc, I do recall having to FORMAT it, but I didn't envisage there being a problem. I am now at a loss as to how to produce a disc with video clips on my PC, that can be uploaded to a website via a MAC!!

Chris Davis
May 11th, 2009, 07:59 AM
Can you place the file(s) online for her to download? Put them on a USB flash drive?

Too bad the web designer isn't more knowledgeable. We produce video, and we design websites. My personal opinion is that the burden for the bulk of the technical knowledge should rest on the shoulders of the web developer. It sounds like this web "expert" is simply a graphic designer. The two of you may need to pull in a third party to provide some technical insight. Perhaps you could contact their hosting provider.