View Full Version : Cannot capture HDV with Premiere CS4

Raymond Krystof
May 3rd, 2009, 10:11 PM
This may well be pilot error since this is my first effort with CS4 and I've searched this forum and Adobes but haven't found any such posts.

When capturing HDV to it's native mpeg format I discover, after the fact, that some captured files have dropped off the audio track. I can't find a constant. This can happen within a short time after initiating the capture or well into the clip, on short clips or long clips. But it happens in about 20% of the captured clips.

I then tried to capture to quicktime format. All the device controls work except record? Record just will not active.

I'm using the firewire input. The camera is a JVC JY-HD10U and the computer is a Mac Pro with dual quad core Xeon processors and 14 gigs of ram.As a sub-note, when trying to capture to quicktime, the camera connection disconnects quite often. However, any command on the camera seems to reconnect the camera to the capture device control. Except for record.

Any insight would be appreciated

Robert Lane
May 4th, 2009, 09:26 AM
This sounds like you could have multiple issues going on from software configuration to a FW hardware issue. I'd first suggest looking at the Premiere Pro forum topics and see if you find an answer there. I'd also look at the JVC support page for info on how to ingest footage into an NLE and make sure you're using proper setups.