View Full Version : Wedding Clip Trailer at BALI, please give comment

Johan Wahyudi Susanto
May 3rd, 2009, 08:07 PM
Hi all, we are a newcomer in this forum, please give comment to our wedding clip video. It takes at BALI.
Thanks before. Your comments are our pleasure.

Johan Wahyudi Susanto
-record video production-

Susanto Widjaja
May 3rd, 2009, 08:47 PM
Hi fellow indonesian :)

I think you need some closer shots like CU or MS on the clip.

I think that the first line of words are a bit hard to be seen.

I think the clip is too concentrating on the "bali" then the couple itself.

Overall, there are nice scenery in there and nice moments with the couple.

Good work!!!


Johan Wahyudi Susanto
May 3rd, 2009, 10:21 PM
Hello Santo, thanks 4 u're comments.

John De Rienzo
May 4th, 2009, 09:01 AM
Hi Johan,

I would not have known this was a wedding trailer! unless you said.

It reminded me of one of those ads for sandals from the 1990's, or a advert for a holiday.

Some reasoanble footage throughout. A little unsteady in places, but with this location I think you missed some greater opportunities to be more creative with the couple.

The highlight for me was the waterfall.


Johan Wahyudi Susanto
May 4th, 2009, 07:11 PM
Hello John,

First, we'd like to thanks for watching our video, And yeah, you are right about "wrong" post title, thanks for your correction :)

If you see, the point of this video is on the last tag "record video production ready to you everywhere", it mean about our video ads trailer. So we do a "missed some greater opportunities with the couple".

We'll post another video in this forum and waiting for your advise.

Johan WS.
-record video production-

Oren Arieli
May 4th, 2009, 11:32 PM
You might want to consider fixing your grammar on the last line. It is a bit confusing. One option would be "Record Video...ready where you are" or "Record Video Production; Ready for you anywhere" or "Record Video Productions...there when you need us"

I'm a huge fan of Bali, having been there for my honeymoon. There are so many beautiful temples and locations, yet stuck to the beach for most of this video. I can't tell if this is a promo for your services, for Bali, for a travel company or Viagra. You might consider more titles to be clear with your message.

Johan Wahyudi Susanto
May 5th, 2009, 01:36 AM
Hi Oren Arieli,

Thanks for your good advices. I'll consider it.

Please wait for my another video clip and please don't be hesitate to give a suggest for us

Best regards,

Johan WS
-record video production-