View Full Version : HV30 F-stop manual controls changing the light?

Gary Douglas
May 2nd, 2009, 07:23 PM
I'm filming a short at the moment.
I was using harsh garden flood lights in the film.
I was messing around with the f stop aperture settings on the hv30 and then the shutter speed, setting it too 50.
Now this is supposed to be manual controls. But as I moved around the camera would change it's lighting settings depending on where I positioned it or myself.
Anybody explain?

Tony Sal
May 3rd, 2009, 06:28 AM
Hi Gary,

You need to have the camera in Shutter Priority (TV) and set the shutter speed first. Then, to manually control the 'iris' you press the joystick and toggle to EXP, press up, then adjust the 'iris'. If you set your iris first, once you go back to the shutter to change it's setting the iris will automatically go back to auto. Another point to consider is that if you toggle to EXP when the camera is looking at a dark scene (the camera would have had the iris pretty much fully open at the time you switched it to manual) and so the camera cannot open up the iris anymore and will add gain resulting in noise. You need to remember that the EXP adjustment is an exposure compensation adjustment and not a simple iris control.
I hope i have made sense??!

Gary Douglas
May 3rd, 2009, 11:16 AM
Thanks tony you nailed it!
If you can answer this one you've got a full house! :)

maybe I posted it in the wrong section?