View Full Version : Editing, then transferring to after effects

Gary Douglas
May 2nd, 2009, 07:21 PM
I'm editing a short film.
I like using ulead video studio, but need to also maybe use adobe after effects and adobe prem after i've put the clips together.
What file can I export from Ulead that is edited but capture quality to prem or after effects so I don't lose nothing, or is it impossible?


Michael Rosenberger
May 6th, 2009, 02:41 PM
Maybe I am missing what you are asking, but if you have the piece cut in Ulead and just need to add effects in AE then you could just export the full quality clip. Though, I am wondering why you would cut in Ulead if you already have Premiere Pro. Why not just cut and grade in Premiere Pro in the first place? Then it rolls into AE easily too.