View Full Version : Best vs Good Render Video Quality?

Nicholas de Kock
May 1st, 2009, 11:53 AM
When I render out a project I usually use the default profiles supplied with Vegas, all of them are set to "Good" video quality. I've been wondering lately if there is a significant quality difference between "Good" and "Best"? The render time for "Best" takes hours/days! I want to render out my final projects to the highest possible quality for Blu-ray however don't want to wait days for a render if the quality difference is insignificant.

What setting do you use to render and why?

Mike Kujbida
May 1st, 2009, 12:20 PM
A lot of my work is with still images so I aways use Best mode.
However, I'm rendering to regular DVD, not Blu-ray.

Here's what the Sony Knowledgebase has to say:

"Best" uses bicubic scaling with integration, while "Good" uses bilinear without integration.
You will have a hard time telling the difference, but must use "Best" if you are using high resolution stills or video that are getting scaled down to the final output size.
"Good" may have bad artifacts on the near-horizontal edges, while "Best" will look great.

Edward Troxel
May 1st, 2009, 01:08 PM
Here's ( the full details.

Nicholas de Kock
May 1st, 2009, 01:29 PM
Thanks for the feedback, makes a lot of sense. I have mostly rendered 1080i to DVD at "Good", I have noticed some artifacts on occasion when scaling down, especially when working with stills. Looks like it will be a compromise between quality and available time.