View Full Version : HC-1 On the way out ?

Martyn Hull
May 1st, 2009, 10:40 AM
My three year old HC-1 which is only realy used as a pc cam nowadays seems to be on the way out,there is a slight tapping sound when the cam is recording either from the pc or on the tape setting.The player edit record does not matter as such because it will not be heard on the recordings but obviously on tape recordings the mike picks up the tapping creaking sound.
Also as soon as the cam is switched on it makes a bleeping sound for a couple of seconds and says insert a tape which disapears to leave a flashing c:31:22 signal and a yellow flashing box in the lcd centre, when a tape is inserted it all stops and will record normal but with the slight tapping noise.Has anyone experienced similar things with their HC-1s.
It seems my HC-1 is on its last legs i am afraid.

Dave Blackhurst
May 1st, 2009, 02:03 PM
Martyn -
The flashing block is the camera saying it doesn't have a tape, no big there. The 31:22 error code is for "T reel fault", and the service manual just says to load the tape again.
BUT, I suspect your tape mech is wearing out a bit.

Probably a pain (and an expensive one) to have fixed, but if you can find a tech whose labor isn't too pricey, it might not be too bad. I don't think the actual mech is that expensive (researching it right now for a camera that was thrashed when some bonehead couldn't get the tape out fast enough...), but the labor to get it taken down to it's bones and do the replacement is the expensive part. Lots of fiddly bits and cables!

Martyn Hull
May 2nd, 2009, 02:21 AM
Martyn -
The flashing block is the camera saying it doesn't have a tape, no big there. The 31:22 error code is for "T reel fault", and the service manual just says to load the tape again.
BUT, I suspect your tape mech is wearing out a bit.

Probably a pain (and an expensive one) to have fixed, but if you can find a tech whose labor isn't too pricey, it might not be too bad. I don't think the actual mech is that expensive (researching it right now for a camera that was thrashed when some bonehead couldn't get the tape out fast enough...), but the labor to get it taken down to it's bones and do the replacement is the expensive part. Lots of fiddly bits and cables!
Yes dave you realy confirm what i thought.Last year the lcd went and it cost me 170£ over here for a repair so i am not sure i will spend any more on it, it does still manage pc work for now but for how long is the question.