Dutch Simpson
April 30th, 2009, 10:57 AM
Is there a way to print out a folder directory for an extrenal hard drive? Is there a command or action in any menu drop downs?
I would like to see what's on a hard drive on paper before I have to actually plug it in.
Jim Andrada
April 30th, 2009, 03:29 PM
Are you on Windows? If so, there's a DOS command setup that will put the directory listing in a text file on your drive, from which you can print it.
You have to get the DOS prompt up - use Run and enter CMD (Command) and you'll get an old fashined DOS window
Then you have to change directory (CD) to the directory you want the listing for, and then issue a DIR command with the output "piped" to a file instead of the monitor.
The symbol > is how you pipe the text that would otherwise go to the screen to a file
I think you would just say DIR >Filename and it should work.
I took my nephew through how to do this a few months ago and I can probably find the e-mails we exchanged when I get back to the office this evening if thid isn't enough of a hint
Battle Vaughan
April 30th, 2009, 04:34 PM
I use an inexpensive screen capture program and just send the image to the printer --- CaptureWizPro, in my case, but there are many others; some are freeware, I think, and Vista (ugh!) has a clip tool for this purpose.../ Battle Vaughan/miamiherald.com video team