View Full Version : jpg sequence in video track needs to rebuild itself - delay of 5 secs

Adi Head
April 30th, 2009, 09:01 AM
I'm working on an animation film. Currently making the soundtrack - and using Vegas 8 for that.

For some reason, whenever I zoom in or out of the timeline, the video track containing the movie takes considerable time to kind of rebuild itself. I have to wait like 5-7 seconds each time for it to rebuild, otherwise playback is out of sync.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

The animation was made in Adobe Flash and exported as jpg sequences. I then imported the jpeg sequences into Vegas.

I also tried rendering the video track to an .avi file and then placed the .avi file on the video track instead of the jpg sequences. But this did not solve the problem.

Any clues?


Edward Troxel
April 30th, 2009, 10:52 AM
It would be creating the icons that show up on the timeline. You might try turning that off (View - Waveforms and Frames). The upcoming Vegas Pro 9 has more icon display options.

Adi Head
April 30th, 2009, 11:00 AM
It would be creating the icons that show up on the timeline. You might try turning that off (View - Waveforms and Frames). The upcoming Vegas Pro 9 has more icon display options.

hi edward, thanks for the reply.

yes, i think thats what it's doing. i tried turning off (View-Waveforms and Frames) and you're right - it DOES solve the problem... BUT since i'm working on the soundtrack - i must have wave forms ON.

i'll just add that i've recently worked on several other projects using the same machine and software - and never had this problem - but they were all video (dv or hdv), not animation. they weren't made from jpg sequences, but just clips of video.

the question is if i can get vegas to run normally using the material i have?

Edward Troxel
April 30th, 2009, 01:23 PM
You could always render out the video as DV and then add it back as a take on top of the animation. After finishing the audio edit, you could then switch back to the original take for the final render.

Update to the new Vegas Pro 9 which is scheduled to be released on May 11. It has new icon options in Options - Preferences so you'd still be able to keep the waveforms on but still turn off the icons on the video events.

Gilles Pialat
April 30th, 2009, 01:34 PM
Update to the new Vegas Pro 9 which is scheduled to be released on May 11. It has new icon options in Options - Preferences so you'd still be able to keep the waveforms on but still turn off the icons on the video events.

This option is available in Vegas 8.0c.