Jon Fairhurst
April 29th, 2009, 05:31 PM
Reading this review:
Canon 25mm Extension Tube II (EF 25) Review (
it seems that extension tubes not only decrease minimum focus distance (poor man's macro), but they also...
* decrease light (makes sense - the image is magnified)
* add softness (again, magnification)
* show up lens imperfections (magnification again), and
* add vignetting on full frame cameras
It's the last point that puzzles me. If the image is magnified, doesn't that push the corners beyond the sensor? Okay, with a really long tube, if the opening is less than 43.3mm, it could crop the image, but the tube has a bigger inner diameter than the sensor, doesn't it?
Anyway, has anybody here used an extension tube? Were the results good regarding light falloff? What focal length and tube length did you use?
For video, I'm not worried about softness. With a fast lens, I'm not worried about light lost (macros are generally a stop or so slower than normal primes anyway). I would be bummed if the corners have hard crops though. I don't want 940p video.
Canon 25mm Extension Tube II (EF 25) Review (
it seems that extension tubes not only decrease minimum focus distance (poor man's macro), but they also...
* decrease light (makes sense - the image is magnified)
* add softness (again, magnification)
* show up lens imperfections (magnification again), and
* add vignetting on full frame cameras
It's the last point that puzzles me. If the image is magnified, doesn't that push the corners beyond the sensor? Okay, with a really long tube, if the opening is less than 43.3mm, it could crop the image, but the tube has a bigger inner diameter than the sensor, doesn't it?
Anyway, has anybody here used an extension tube? Were the results good regarding light falloff? What focal length and tube length did you use?
For video, I'm not worried about softness. With a fast lens, I'm not worried about light lost (macros are generally a stop or so slower than normal primes anyway). I would be bummed if the corners have hard crops though. I don't want 940p video.