View Full Version : Question on GY-HD100U output signal

Robert Rogoz
April 28th, 2009, 10:37 PM
I am thinking about purchasing the new Matrox O2 Mini. I am not sure about composite output on my GY-HD100 though. From JVC webpage (white paper on 100U):

Cross-conversion function
During HDV tape playback, recorded HDV
native signals are always output from the
IEEE1394 terminal, and cross-conversion
(720/60p, 1080/60i) signals are output from the
analog component terminal (by menu choice).
Furthermore, from the composite terminal,
down-converted 480/60i signals are output.
These cross-conversion functions enable multi-
format output.

So can I record 720/60p through composite RCA by hooking it up to the new Matrox mini? If yes, how do I choose the signal format? Thanks!

Ted Ramasola
April 28th, 2009, 11:28 PM

I'm not so sure with this, so get a second opinion, but I thought the 1080 component output is only available on the hd100 during "live" shooting, and not during playback.

Not sure though.


Robert Rogoz
April 29th, 2009, 08:07 AM
Well, I thought it as well. I also was not aware of 720/60p either, thought it was option starting with 200. It would be nice if one of the people directly involved with JVC would get this thing sorted out.
BTW I would like to use new Matrox Mini and MacBook Pro for live capture in ProRes HQ, that is record directly onto my HD.