View Full Version : EX1/3 Picture Profile Worksheet/Form
Barry J. Anwender April 26th, 2009, 04:54 PM There are many parameters pertaining to Picture Profiles for our cameras. I found it just became unmanageable to keep typing up variation after variation. This is one way of managing Picture Profile for and EX1 or EX3 camera.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 or greater. As you can see, there are tool tips with descriptions and values taken from the camera manual. All you do is move your mouse over the field to view the tool tip. The pull down button lists are self explanitory.
Saving & Printing PP Forms: Requires Acobat Pro 9.0 or newer
Adobe Reader does NOT allow you save pdf Form documents, but they can be printed. This is a drag for those who do not have Acrobat Pro. I have also attached the Excel template I used to make the PDF Form. The spreedsheet approach is a compromise on functionality but it does allow you to save you profiles in a manageable fashion.
Comments are welcome where there is room for improvement. Cheers!
Barry J. Anwender April 26th, 2009, 07:32 PM I have also compiled a synthesis of the official resources from Sony and a couple of other gems and placed them within the context of the EX-XDCAM Picture Profile parameters.
I am currently at 40 pages. All that remains to be done is generate an appendix to offically reference the articles and an then make a pdf document outline with hyperlinks to doc pages. I should have this project completed by the end of this week and will share it when ready.
Andrew Hollister April 26th, 2009, 09:51 PM Looks good, but I can't seem to open the PDF. on my Mac or PC... error saying Acrobat (and Preview) can not decrypt the file. Any other locations to download from?
Brian Luce April 26th, 2009, 10:19 PM Also can't open files from a mac leopard.
Vincent Oliver April 26th, 2009, 11:55 PM I can't open it either - Windows Vista - but will have a go with XP later.
Barry J. Anwender April 27th, 2009, 07:25 AM Apple's Preview application will not work, it is only designed for the most basic reading of pdf documents. You will need Adbobe Reader which is a FREE download from
I have tested this for Windows XP and Vista and it will work with Adobe Acrobat/Reader applications. The first .pdf that you double click on after installing Adobe Reader, Windows will report that it cannot open the file. HOWEVER, you are also provided with an option "Select a program from a list of installed programs" at which point you select Adobe Reader AND check "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file." After this your .pdf documents will automatically open with Adobe Reader as the default.
Adobe Acrobat/Adobe Reader versions below 9.1 have a serious security flaw that leaves your machine at risk.
For those who are willing to live with your computer open to internet attacks, here is the same thing that will work with Adobe Acrobat/Adobe Reader 7.0 and higher.
Andrew Hollister April 27th, 2009, 08:40 AM my bad, I only have Acrobat Pro version 8
Brian Luce April 27th, 2009, 09:49 AM still won't open. :(
John Hedgecoe April 27th, 2009, 10:09 AM On my system (XP Pro SP3) it asks for a PASSWORD.
So, what is the password??? Or did I miss something?
Kevin Cates April 27th, 2009, 10:29 AM Didn't open in Preview but opened up fine in mac Acrobat pro.
Vincent Oliver April 27th, 2009, 11:07 AM I managed to open it using Acrobat Pr 7, but there is a realy weird voice embeded in the file - not so sure I can understand what he/it is saying
Mitchell Lewis April 27th, 2009, 11:52 AM I opened it in Excel and re-saved it as a PDF. (see attached)
Barry J. Anwender April 27th, 2009, 03:18 PM On my system (XP Pro SP3) it asks for a PASSWORD.
So, what is the password??? Or did I miss something?
It does not need a password to open, read, modify form fields and print (Acrobat Pro). It will ask for a password if you are trying to modify the document beyond these functions. Nice try, Cheers!
Barry J. Anwender April 27th, 2009, 03:21 PM still won't open. :(
It was made in Leopard and works in Leopard using Adobe Acrobat Pro (CS4 Master Suite). Apple's Preview will not work as it has limited forms functionality and no ability to display tool tips. Please use Adobe Reader 9.1 or Acrobat Pro 9.1 and it will work.
John Hedgecoe April 27th, 2009, 09:07 PM It does not need a password to open, read, modify form fields and print (Acrobat Pro). It will ask for a password if you are trying to modify the document beyond these functions. Nice try, Cheers!
Nice Try? What are you talking about. I tried to open the file to VIEW it. I was not trying to modify it - since I could not open it to view it how on earth could I modify it?
Why are you making this so difficult? Just post the file as a NORMAL pdf and let everyone view it. It seems like many others are having problems too.
I do not use acrobat as I will not allow the bloated adobe acrobat on my system. I use Foxit Reader for pdf's.
Ben Chiu April 27th, 2009, 10:17 PM I use Foxit Reader for pdf's.
FWIW, I use Foxit Reader too and get the same password problem.
Barry J. Anwender April 27th, 2009, 11:03 PM Nice Try? What are you talking about. I tried to open the file to VIEW it. I was not trying to modify it - since I could not open it to view it how on earth could I modify it?
Why are you making this so difficult? Just post the file as a NORMAL pdf and let everyone view it. It seems like many others are having problems too.
I do not use acrobat as I will not allow the bloated adobe acrobat on my system. I use Foxit Reader for pdf's.
John, I just installed FoxIt Reader 3.0 Build 1506 in XPSP3 and it opened the "Adobe Version 7 or higher" pdf without any problems and without asking for a password. It actually permits the use of Form Fields but without initially revealing the pull-down buttons until you select the field. BTW, the EX3 field is default so it can be set to show the EX1 mode. Gaaads, it even reveals the tool tips. Go Figure!
The choice to not use Adobe's product is yours to make, in which case use I can only suggest you use the Excel Spreadsheet or create your own using FoxIt Creator. Cheers!
John Hedgecoe April 28th, 2009, 05:05 AM Just checked, I'm using v3 build 1120.
Ok, I'll go download the latest Foxit Reader and give it a try. Thanks for the info.
Ed Kukla April 28th, 2009, 05:54 AM My attempts for open failed also.
error; adobe cannot decrypt this document
I get no choices to do anything it just fails, period
Kevin Spahr April 28th, 2009, 06:37 AM I opened the xls and saved it as a Numbers file for those Mac users with iWork.
Barry J. Anwender April 28th, 2009, 08:36 AM Sony’s EX-XDCAM Picture Profiles consist of:
- 11 Picture Profile “Functions”
- 50 Picture Profile “Variables”
- An “array/range” of Numerical or Text “Values” for each variable
- Resultant video footage that is “highly user-subjective” for an given “profile variations”
- A given EX1 picture profile seems to produce a different EX3 result
Anyone with a mathematics background immediately recognizes that managing Picture Profiles cannot be done with a one-dimensional presentation in a simple text document. Sony’s camera manual as such is a linear one-dimensional presentation of Picture Profile functionality—it merely provides the raw data. The camera manual does not in any way provide a hint of how to apply picture profiles in the real-world, nor does it attempt to describe possible outcomes for end-user Picture Profile variations.
At the very least, what is needed is a simple tool that can manage the multi-dimensional nature of the complex Picture Profile equation. There is also a need to consolidate Sony’s White papers and the collective wisdom of a select few so that end-users can attempt to understand the possible effects of using Picture Profiles in our real-world video footage. This latter need is a separate matter. The first priority is to obtain an effective management tool for Picture Profile possibilities.
A Picture Profile management tool needs to work on Mac and PC(Windows) computer platforms. It needs to accommodate:
a) A two-dimensional presentation of Picture Profile “functions and variables”
b) A two-dimensional presentation of Picture Profile array “variables”
c) Present the range of allowable “values” for each variable
d) Allow the end-use to keep track of “subjective field notes” for function variations.
Hence, I have provided one approach to manage the complex nature of Picture Profiles without having to tediously consult the camera manual. I have done this with Adobe’s Acrobat document management tool.
I am confident that with all the talent, creativity and time of individuals in the EX-XDCAM forums that there is room for innovation and other approaches to the problem. Please keep your solution to a one page 8.5x11 document and as a minimum provide the same functionality for both Mac and PC computers.
Cheers :-)
P.S. Added a field to enter a synopsis of the shoot as well as for the Picture Profile number.
John Hedgecoe April 28th, 2009, 11:23 AM I just downloaded and installed FoxIt Reader 3.0 Build 1506 and when I try to open your pdf file I still get asked for a password. WTF!!!
I give up.
Barry J. Anwender April 28th, 2009, 02:45 PM Indeed there seems to be nothing more to offer.
Don Greening April 28th, 2009, 06:07 PM I just opened Barry's .pdf on a Macbook Pro using Adobe Reader 8 and it was fine.
Maybe it only works if you both live in Canada :)
- Don
Sean Adair April 29th, 2009, 05:33 PM Nice implementation Barry!
Something like this would also be useful for the new JVC HM700 scene presets. However I certainly couldn't build a thing of beauty like this from scratch. Very sweet.
(Mac/Acrobat Pro 9)
Barry J. Anwender April 29th, 2009, 05:56 PM Thank you Don and Sean. Apparently Sony Picture Profile innovations are a hot-potato as also evidenced by some of the discussion in the recipe forum. It is nice to hear some appreciation. My only hope is that it can be useful tool for those of us who are learning/trying to use picture profiles to get the most from our cameras. Cheers!
Serena Steuart April 30th, 2009, 12:40 AM Works OK for me. Initially I expected it to allow all PP settings to be stored on the sheet in electronic form, but really much more useful to print out a sheet for each PP. Which is obviously the intent. Thanks.
Barry J. Anwender April 30th, 2009, 08:21 AM Serena, unfortunately Adobe Acrobat is required to save an electronic form and of course print it. Adobe's market differentiation from the free Adobe Reader. I did discover that the freeware FoxIt Reader on the Windows platform does allow one to set the Form Fields, to save and print the electronic form.
Unlike one poster above, the FoxIt Readers opens the Worksheet properly on my machine at least. Perhaps because I had previously installed the Adobe Reader 9.1. So it may be that combination of the two installed apps is what enables FoxIt to provide full functionality.
Here is the worksheet opened in FoxIt, modified some of the fields, then saved from FoxIt and reopened in FoxIt.
Keith Moreau May 11th, 2009, 10:52 AM Barry, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to produce this and give it to the EX community. I didn't have any problems using it with Acrobat Pro 9 on the Mac, which I have, so it worked quite well for me.
I think there is probably a way to get the the Acrobat Pro PDF functionality into Excel, such as drop down menu and cell comments that you've added to the PDF, which might make the tool more universal. However for me it's fine as it is, no extra work required for me.
For me it was great because I was just thinking of creating a Excel sheet to store my settings so I could easily compare and archive settings. I did a quick search and your tool came up, and I was able to use it immediately for what I needed and it was quite helpful.
Thanks again!
Gavin Rawlings May 12th, 2009, 01:32 AM Great form Barry! Opened fine on my computer with Adobe 9. Ill be putting this form to use for sure :)