Jonathan Levin
April 26th, 2009, 02:46 PM
Ok. So I've picked up a bunch of useful information here and here is something I put together just recently. Kinda dark, you may need fortification of some kind.
Ten One Dollar Stories on Vimeo (
Thanks for looking.
Jonathan Levin
May 12th, 2009, 03:40 PM
This was something I put together for a beer club for Nation Brew Day. Sorry for the Youtube quality;
YouTube - AHA Big Brew 2009 - Chicago Beer Society (
Thanks for watching.
Lori Starfelt
May 12th, 2009, 07:28 PM
First of all, I love the beer thing. Very funny. "those are my kind of communists" - great line. I loved the imagery of the hippos as well. The recipe for bacon explosion sounds worse than it looked. I couldn't quite hear what was in the bread but I did catch 3 pounds of butter - holy moly. Anyway, it looks like a fun day.
I like the other darker piece but my patience ran out at about 5 minutes. The music was pretty cool.. What was that? And I loved the shot of the woman in the Air Stream.
Jonathan Levin
May 13th, 2009, 09:43 AM
Hi Lori.
Thanks for taking the time to view my stuff. The music in Ten One Dollar Stories was acoustic 12 string guitar tuned to an open tuning (key of G) and embelished with bottleneck (slide). In Garageband, I slowed down the recording about 60% did some chopping on that, and exported an AIF file.
In Final Cut, I imported the music file into a timeline, duplicated the music clip and Reversed the play on one of them. I finally moved one over the other.
I'm hoping that the Ten One Dollar video doesn't send the world into the paroxysms of manic depression.
Up next, Comedic monster movie.....