View Full Version : Clip Browser 2.5 conversion problem

Ian Briscoe
April 26th, 2009, 11:07 AM
I've installed Clip Browser 2.5 on a Vista machine. This is the first time CB has been installed on this computer although I've been using Vegas for editing existing EX1 mxf files on it.

The problem I'm having is that when I export a clip to MXF for NLE, the file appears to export OK and is renamed with a .mxf suffix. But it appears to be unrecognisable to Vegas 8.0c as a video file. When I click the file in Vegas Browser, where frame rate, resolution etc should normally appear under the browser, I just get the filename. I can't drag it onto the timeline (no entry icon) nor can I play it in the trimmer. The error is "Vegas cannot open the file". The clip plays fine in Clip Browser. Also - exporting to AVI format works fine.

Never seen this before - would appreciate any help.

Edit - In Vegas 8.1 (64 bit) the files ARE recognised and work correctly. I've checked all the options settings in both versions and they're identical.



Vincent Oliver
April 27th, 2009, 12:01 AM
I have been exporting my EX3 files to AVI using clipbrowser (for DVD production) no problem. After a recent shoot I dropped a native EX3 file into a SD timeline, (you can do this in Premiere) and then right clicked on the clip in the timeline and selected "scale to frame". I noticed that the file contained far more image detail than the same clip using export to avi.

I am not sure what is happening, but using the Export to avi does seem to throw out image detail, especially in the highlights.

Just something for you to experiment with.

Geert Geerits
April 27th, 2009, 01:56 AM
Try Clip Browser 2.0.
I had a similar problem with Clip Browser 2.5 when exporting a clip to MXF for NLE.
Avid Liquid imported only the first 9 seconds of a clip.
I reinstalled version 2.0 and everything is OK now.

Paul Kellett
April 27th, 2009, 02:59 AM
Ian, you're welcome to email me an mxf if you want, i'm using vegas pro 8 (c) on a vista machine, that way we can tell if it's your vegas pro 8 or your pc.
I use mailbigfile to send large files (i have the pro version) but you can send up to 100mb using the free version.


Ian Briscoe
April 27th, 2009, 04:36 AM
Thanks all for your help.

Paul - I'm away for a couple of days but may take you up on that later in the week - although from what I hear this may be a known problem.
