View Full Version : Links to Sony HDV discussions

Heath McKnight
March 23rd, 2004, 04:44 PM
Hey everyone,

I can't believe it, but we've gone three days without any posts in here! Amazing! Of course, a lot of those discussions are on the Sony HDV, which can be found here. (

There are still some discussions and even some unanswered questions lurking about. Check it out and see ya on the boards!


Frank Granovski
March 23rd, 2004, 05:10 PM
I can think of 2 reasons why:[list=1] the pre-NAB blues 3-chip HD announcements[/list=1]But most likely everyone is just busy shooting, now that better weather has arrived in most places.

Heath McKnight
March 23rd, 2004, 05:34 PM
More shooting is ALWAYS a big plus, Frank!

I have to be honest, though, I am doing less shooting and more editing these days. My poor HD10, sitting on my desk, waiting to be used. Once I leave my TV news job, I'm gonna start doing some little fun, experimental stuff. I also want to start shooting commercials and stuff locally. There seems to be a demand for HD, but not with the price tag...


Frank Granovski
March 23rd, 2004, 06:03 PM
There's money in making commercials, that's for sure. :-))

It's raining today---I wanted to take some outdoor pics, but I have to settle with taking some pics of a bunch of dvinfo members this evening. I'll finally get to meet the man, Dylan. :-))

Heath McKnight
March 23rd, 2004, 06:31 PM
Hey, fly on down to sunny Florida for photos of Jeff, Imran and I!


ps-It was raining today...