View Full Version : AECS4 and AECS3 with Prospect HD

Simon Zimmer
April 25th, 2009, 10:14 AM
I hear people getting blazing renders with their AECS4/vista 64 setup when using cineform.

What kind of setup do you have?

My performance is quite slow compared to AECS3. It does not make sense.

I have AECS3 and AECS4 installed on my new machine. The specs are:

Vista 64 business version
6 GB
2 Xeon Quad Cores
Nvidia Quadro NVS 295

Both programs recognize my 8 cores but both programs seem to operate better when I do not enable render multiple frames smultaenously.

That does not make sense.

Also in AECS4, everything is so slow. I have resolution to a quarter and it still seems to load each frame VERY slowly when I move through the timeline.

Any ideas? If you need more information, let me know.


Simon Zimmer
April 26th, 2009, 08:09 AM
I learned I need more RAM. Each core needs at least 1 GB and preferably 2GB.


