Bryant Wang
March 21st, 2004, 01:13 PM
HI all
I'd like to hear from anyone who has used the sennheiser ME64 microphone as a replacement for the NV-1. I'm thinking of getting one as my permenant on camera mic. I know people do use it on the pd150. So anyone with first hand experience with it mounted on the pdx10?
Matt Stahley
March 21st, 2004, 02:04 PM
Should work well. Though with the PDX and its phantom power you may want to look into better sounding cardioid mics for less $$$$. The Oktava seems to be popular here. Bryan Beasleigh has posted some exstensive sound comparisons as well just do a search.
Shawn Mielke
March 21st, 2004, 10:47 PM
And find out what they mean when they say "better sounding", and if that definition jives with your own.
What are you shooting, Bryant?
I've used the me64, mounted on the PDX, for 3 or 4 shoots now, and find it to be an excellent mic, for what I've done. If you do indeed mount it on the cam, you might consider using a better shockmount than the one supplied with the PDX. Otherwise, and always, be very very careful of handling noise (this is a hot mic), and, of course, be sure to get close to and on par with your subject's mouth. My shoots were within six feet of subject, indoors, and the sound is clear and full. My experience with mics is limited, and my application was/is not for broadcast or a paying client, but I feel this is a highly useful mic that, when used properly, sounds quite good.
Jan Roovers
March 22nd, 2004, 02:49 AM
I have tried the ME64 and the Neumann KM185 on my PDX10p and it really sounds great.
The ME64 is compared with the Neumann km184.
The E664 ( is the same as the k6/Me64 combination but not modular and cheaper!
Both mics are great. As you give a look at the polardiagram of the ME64 you will see that it is more directional for higher frequencies. I found it a great help. The ME64 and the E664 are great value for the money and very recomendable.
If money is not the problem the Neumann KM185 is an improvement. It is more natural and more directional. It has a very favourite frequencycurve for most of our purposes and it is supercardiod and it is more neutral. I have experienced that the KM185 gave impeccable results at a distance of 1,5 to 2 mtr, where the Me64 was on the edge. The KM185 can only be beaten by the supercardiode Schoeps MK41 as you can hear from Bryans soundsamples.
I tried cheaper mics that were great for instruments, but to be honest they they did did not satisfy me:
1. Or they lack the directonality at higher frequenies, which I found to be a problem for our purpose,
2. or they are less detailed and take away something of the character of voice.
Till now I found that the ME64, KM185 or MK41 are certainly more satisfying where the Me64 (E664) is a very pleasing economical choice.
The standard Sony ECM-NV1 mic is a little shotgun. I has a poor frequencyresponse but neutral and a poor polardiagram but it is very detailed and not bad at all. So far I could not find a cheap mic improving its sound (for our purpose)! The directionality of the Sony's mic is a help in a lot of situations. We may have to consider the AT897 too.
It is not delivered yet in Holland, so I could not give it a test myself. But the comments here on the forum are very promising.
My problem is that since I compared the KM185 with the ME64, I like the ME64 a bit less. But the Neumann is to expensive to me. Before I decide I first want to try the AT897.
Bryant Wang
March 22nd, 2004, 03:30 AM
thanks for the replies
i want to use the me 64 to record general ambient sound and voices when i don't have my lav hooked up. Mainly i've read that the me64 is good at picking up voices.
I'm in the US and can't seem to find anyone that sells the sennheiser E664. Does anyone know if this model is sold in the USA?
Jan Roovers
March 22nd, 2004, 04:13 AM
If you want to buy through Internet this German site is a good one:
The E664 is not sold in Holland.
Matt Stahley
March 22nd, 2004, 06:53 PM
What are you using as far as wind protection for the 64 if using outdoors? Was wondering if the Rycote BBG would fit.
Richard Maloney
March 23rd, 2004, 01:14 AM
They have them in Canada: