View Full Version : Anyone gotten their rebate yet ???

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Nick Jushchyshyn
March 21st, 2004, 12:54 PM
Anyone out there that bought their GL2 or XL1s at the end of last year get their rebate checks yet ??

I got an email confirming that I qualified and all, but never got a check. It's been a good 3-4 months now.

Graham Bernard
March 21st, 2004, 02:39 PM
. . squeeky wheel time I guess . . .

Joel Ruggiero
March 21st, 2004, 07:55 PM
got mine for xmas nothing yet

Steve Iacono
March 22nd, 2004, 01:41 AM
same here got it around xmas still no rebate

Jim OMalley
March 22nd, 2004, 07:02 PM
I also got my camera at the end of December, and submitted the rebate application at that time. I finally called Canon last week and asked them about my rebate status -- they were very cooperative and told me I would get the check within 10 days. It arrived today.

One caution -- the check comes as a small and flimsy postcard. It would be very easy to toss it out with the junk mail! Watch for it.

Nick Jushchyshyn
March 22nd, 2004, 08:27 PM
VERY good to know!
Have fun.

Steve Olds
March 23rd, 2004, 05:58 AM
Mine was sent in on Nov. 11th and the check came just a few days after Valentines Day. The check came in an envlope marked Hqheadquarters or something close to that. Not a flashy envlope tho. Good luck to all.

Try this site to check on your rebate.

Don Palomaki
March 23rd, 2004, 04:40 PM
Some rebates arrive, look like junk mail. I've come close to tossing one or two in the past.

Richard Alvarez
March 23rd, 2004, 04:44 PM
Saw a news report a few years back. Talked about how much money was made by selling gift s\certificates that are never used... and SENDING REBATE CHECKS THAT LOOK LIKE JUNK MAIL.

Oh, what sad times are these.

Jim OMalley
March 23rd, 2004, 04:58 PM
When I received my "postcard check," it struck me how easily the thing could have been stuck in between the pages of the numerous catalogs and other junk mail flyers that come in the mail every day. I could have thrown it out without ever seeing it! If you're still expecting a rebate, make sure you examine your mail carefully so you don't accidentally trash the check.

George Brackett III
March 24th, 2004, 05:57 AM
I would have hoped Canon was above this sort of thing....

Tim Frank
March 24th, 2004, 10:20 PM
Manufacturer's never send out their own rebates, the always outsource it to a rebate agency of somekind that does this sleezy kind of stuff...not to mention take forever for something that if it was done in a well-organized business would take a matter of a day or so.

George Brackett III
March 25th, 2004, 05:21 AM
That's a pretty lame excuse. The manufacturer sold you the product, offered the rebate, and is responsible for you receiving it.

Tim Frank
March 25th, 2004, 06:56 AM
Well, I'm sorry that's not the way it works...look at any other rebate you've ever gotten, the manufacturer never sends it out nomatter what you may think.

George Brackett III
March 25th, 2004, 07:56 AM
So they basically don't give a damn? C'mon Frank!

Ed Baatz
March 25th, 2004, 06:21 PM

I agree completely with you Tim. That's just the way it "is"... Seems like an epidemic of: "Well it's not _my_ fault! Oh heavens no, I'm not responsible..." type of attitude.

It IS exactly like that, but resorting to such devious trickery is at best morally questionable. I suppose that corporations save a LOT of money by such deceits and then they pass those savings on to all of us?

Cool... Other people get screwed; I benefit. What a great philosophy.

It does seem to me like the entire "rebate scheme" is precisely meant to cheat consumers. Why not otherwise just discount the price when the item is purchased? Obviously the rebate process itself is inherently complicted, time consuming and tedious.

Why even bother offering rebates? The companies have to pay to have the rebate program administered. But, these companies BENEFIT from rebates that are never paid, either because you forget to dot your "i"s or cross your "t"s or the check gets lost in the mail or for whatever other reasons...

I propose boycotting ALL rebates and see how long the major players continue to foist that scam off on everyone... Won't ever happen though. Greed wins out. <end of rant>

Ed Baatz
Sarasota, Florida

Tim Frank
March 25th, 2004, 06:28 PM
First of all, I'm Tim...and Seriously...Manufacturer's don't care, because they'd rather draw it out and take as long as they can thinking when you get it in the mail you'll never remember you were even getting a rebate...the better they do this, the more money for them.

Ed Baatz
March 25th, 2004, 06:30 PM
Exactly Tim... Otherwise known as a "SCAM" ???

Tim Frank
March 25th, 2004, 06:59 PM
You can call it whatever you want...whatever floats your boat. I just tell it the way it is.

Ed Baatz
March 25th, 2004, 07:10 PM

I guess it all depends upon what your definition of "is" is?

Call it whatever you want, tell it however you want (even: "as it is") --- the bottom line "is" that, in my opinion, it is a ridiculously wide-spread, deceptive business practice with its main intent of insidiously defrauding the customers who are buying the "rebated" products.

If you really believe the main purpose of rebate programs is to simply delay the discount process as you stated --- I disagree.

And I'm just calling it the way I see it, not telling it the way it is... Who knows, I might even be wrong? My boat might not be afloat.


Jody Albritton
March 28th, 2004, 03:01 PM
I sent my rebate off on december 27 and recieved it on friday march 26. On the rebateshq website it appeared posted around january 25. It was in the final stages of processing for about 2 months and then it changed to your check has been sent and it posted a check number.

The rebate comes in an envelope with a return address of rebates hq. The check inside has Canon as the issuer.

hope this helps

Jeff Donald
March 28th, 2004, 03:13 PM
Rebates are attractive to the retailers. Having owned several small business's and done consulting for major retailers I think I can explain why retailers like rebates. Rebates don't lower their gross sales. If the manufacture just lowered their price the retailer might not show an increase in sales from one year over the next. This is important to small business. Why? When I went to my banker to borrow money etc. he liked to see an increase from one year over the next.

Now having said that, studies show that many consumers don't bother with rebates of less than $50 USD. So, you can think of it as a tax on lazy or ignorant consumers.

Since nothing new is really being added to this thread, and DV Info has nothing to do with the rebates, I'll caution the members to limit the discussion to the original members question.

Nick Jushchyshyn
March 28th, 2004, 05:29 PM
Thanks Jeff.
I agree. I really didn't want to start a debate on the topic of rebates in general. Just wanted to see if anyone was actually getting them.

Back on that topic, for those that receieved their rebates, did the status on the rebate site reflect that the rebate had been sent??
or did it just remain in an "approved" state ??

Thanks again to those that reported on the status of their rebates.

Have fun

Bryan McCullough
March 28th, 2004, 11:41 PM
I got my rebate on Friday.

Status stills says 'approved' on the website.

Nick Jushchyshyn
June 8th, 2004, 12:15 PM
Just to report back on this little blast from the past....

My rebate check just arrived ... YESTERDAY !!!
Sheesh. I bought this camera at the end of November, 2003.
Over six months waiting.

Well, I guess I should just be glad it finally arrived. :)

Have fun.

Scott Balkum
June 8th, 2004, 12:17 PM
I sent mine in 3 weeks ago, got it Saturday.

Nick Jushchyshyn
June 8th, 2004, 12:44 PM
One thing I noted is that the check came in a large priority mail envelope, not as a post card.

Maybe the gave the old rebate company the sack and started sending them out on their own to catch up or something.

Good to hear that yours arrived in a timely manner. Renews my hope to get an even better Canon some day in the future. :)

Have fun.

Scott Balkum
June 8th, 2004, 12:51 PM
Mine arrived as a postcard. I think it is silly the lengths they go through to "accidently lose" rebates..

I would think that a jury would find the rebate company guilty of intentionally trying to have your rebate stolen if they were ever sued in a civil court case.

Miguel Lombana
June 8th, 2004, 07:11 PM
I purchased my GL2's on March 29th and got my rebate checks last week. I had to call the place and explain to them that the terms and conditions were 6 to 8 weeks and it was 8 weeks that day and I had gotten nothing. I was pushy and within a couple of "I have to talk to my supervisor" holds, he advised that it was going to be taken care of and I'd have it in 5 to 7 days, they delivered.

Note: The postcard that everyone talks about, I didn't get that, I got 2 envelopes with 2 checks each for 250 from Canon USA.

Hope this helps...


Evan Kubota
June 8th, 2004, 08:32 PM
Got my rebate today. They received my information on March 31st, so it took slightly over 2 months. To all those who said I wouldn't get it after buying from US1Camera, you were wrong. I saved quite a bit of money, and can recommend them for buying a GL2.

Miguel Lombana
June 8th, 2004, 09:57 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Evan Kubota : Got my rebate today. They received my information on March 31st, so it took slightly over 2 months. To all those who said I wouldn't get it after buying from US1Camera, you were wrong. I saved quite a bit of money, and can recommend them for buying a GL2. -->>>

Congratulations on your purchase, good for you and the money you saved!

Understand one thing however, stores like this that undercut everyone and sell items at 5% above cost or in some cases less, annoy the company and other vendors. These outlets see making 50 dollars on a box as profit knowing that they don't havce to deal with you the end user after the purchase or help you with your problems. Call them for help on something and see where the low price gets you.

I"m a former retailer, I worked for one of the largest Music Industry stores in the southeast that later grew beyond it's means and went bankrupt. We had major issues with "box houses" that sold everything and anything on their mail order lines for 5% on cost plus shipping.

Again, I applaud your for your confidence however in the future look at this, and choose wisely before you give away your money.

One final thought, I purchase all my gear from Normancamera, I paid more than I could have paid at several other "reputable" box houses that I know are legit and would have allowed me a rebate. Here however is why, I was able to call them many times and confirm that I was doing the right thing. That my new equipment was the best for my needs. They held my hands, Chris Norman and I spoke several times on the phone and email and this out of the way effort that you can only get from a "brick and mortar" outlet when you're actually live and in the store is what set them aside.

I could have been a wanker and gotten all the info from them and purchased elsewhere for less, but then I would have been no better than the guys that used to come into my store and play a guitar for a week or a month or even a year or a keyboard and then order it from NY, then expect me to show them how to use it in my store. Let me tell you that didn't happen and I wasn't going to do it to norms. Just food for thought next time you're dealing with a salesperson, they're working for you on that deal and they are couting on their family eating and having a roof over their heads, if they go out of their way, atleast give them the deal, they probaly deserve it.


Roger Golub
June 9th, 2004, 09:48 AM
I bought my GL2 back in January, sent all of the requisite thingys in. No response. Last month I resent the info along with a nastygram. Two days ago a nice check showed up from Canon with a "thanks for buying a GL2".

I never recieved any information suggesting I had been "approved" for the rebate, just the check. It's interesting that different folks have recieved checks in different forms and from different places. Suggests perhaps that Canon had some problems with their rebate folks.

For everyone who <hasn't> received their postcard, priority mail envelope or plain old check, it's time to play Squeaky the Wheel.

Jim OMalley
June 9th, 2004, 10:13 AM
Hi -- As I mentioned in an earlier post in this thread, I found that calling Canon directly produced almost instant results. If you've been waiting too long for your rebate, call Canon -- don't call the rebate company.

Rebecca Condon
June 9th, 2004, 03:56 PM
I sent my request for rebate in at the end of January and received my rebate mailed in an envelope this week.

Ed Baatz
June 9th, 2004, 04:12 PM
Bought a XL1S May 18th --- sent the rebate to Canon on May 26th and we got the rebate check back from Canon on June 8th. The rebate check is dated June 3rd.

Thirteen days to process and receive the rebate seems like unusually excellent service.

The $500 rebate check was delivered in post card form and could have easily been mistaken for junk mail. Especially since about 95% of all mail we receive is of junk mail nature which isn't really Canon's fault. [G]

Evan Kubota
June 10th, 2004, 02:10 AM
"Again, I applaud your for your confidence however in the future look at this, and choose wisely before you give away your money."

I'm very familiar with Actually, when I ordered from them, US1Camera had a higher rating. There are several reseller rating websites, also, and in my fairly extensive research I found that ratings varied widely. For example, Abe's of Maine appeared to be highly reputable. However, after calling them and looking at several websites, it appears that even they engage in bait and switch tactics.

US1Camera got the sale specifically because they clearly stated on the site that the camera was sealed, new with USA warranty. This is what I ordered and that's exactly what I got. With a credit card purchase, I didn't feel afraid that I would get ripped off - I would have been able to easily cancel payment had anything gone wrong and the company refused to be reasonable or upfront.

Again, the package arrived within a week in a sealed box, and everything was as I ordered. No overpriced accessories or anything.

I have to admit, I'm skeptical of your implication that there's something unethical or unjust about buying from the place with the lowest price. I also play guitar, and I know vaguely what you're talking about with the music retail industry. Walk-in shops always have higher prices because they have higher overhead. Nevertheless, as the consumer, I don't really see much benefit from these brick-and-mortar increased overhead stores - other than higher prices. Frankly, the service I have received in my many transactions with "real" music stores has been no better, and in many cases worse, than my experiences with places such as Musicians' Friend.

If an online store is fraudulent or deceptive, as many are (Royal Camera, et al.), then obviously I can't recommend ordering anything from them. Supporting evil, malicious, or disreputable retailers is not my intent.

However, when a website clearly states the item is new with USA warranty, the transaction goes smoothly, and I get one of the best prices that is available, I can't find much else to ask.

I did all my research prior to buying anything, and I didn't have any need to ask recommendations from the salesman. It's just like buying a car - I wouldn't walk in to the dealership and ask the salesman which model to get. It's easier to compare specs, etc. from home then arrive well-informed and ready to buy.

Furthermore, I had already used a friend's GL2 and knew exactly what I was looking for.

I'm not trying to start an argument, I just don't understand your suggestion that something is unfair or out of whack about buying from a valuepriced online retailer. Frankly, a lot of video and camera equipment places are sleazy joints based in Brooklyn or Queens. I have no idea what the physical headquarters of US1Camera look like, but I can't complain about the results. That seems to be worth my money.

Jeff Price
June 10th, 2004, 09:40 AM
I had a number of problems with the company handling the Canon rebates on their still cameras. Same company as for the GL2 (rebateHQ is in Florida but is owned by a company called Parago in Texas). I finally complained to Canon and the BBB and between the two of them managed to get a rebate out of the company.

The amount of time it is taking is absolutely absurd and I think it puts Canon in a bad light. They may not handle their own rebates but they choose the company that does. The Canon rebates were, BY FAR, the slowest to be issued of any rebate I ever had.

Ed Baatz
June 10th, 2004, 10:11 AM
Personally I detest the entire "rebate marketing-ploy games".

The slowest and worst rebate experiences I've ever had were the innumerable times I carefully submitted rebate forms and never got anything. I get the feeling that this is not an uncommon experience.

Canon's rebate services seem to vary wildly, from extremely poor to extremely fast. We were lucky to recently get the extremely extra fast rebate service!

We did mail the rebate form by certified mail, but I'm not sure if that really made any difference at all...

Canon rebates are clearly a situation of: YMMV?

Kevin Galliford
June 22nd, 2004, 02:33 PM
I jut got an email from Canon saying they recieved my rebate and its in prosessing.
I purchased my GL2 May 31. And just recieved an email saying its being processed, June 22. So I should recieve it soon. I hope ;-)

Miguel Lombana
June 22nd, 2004, 03:25 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Kevin Galliford : I jut got an email from Canon saying they recieved my rebate and its in prosessing.
I purchased my GL2 May 31. And just recieved an email saying its being processed, June 22. So I should recieve it soon. I hope ;-) -->>>

Allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery... After that call and threaten them!

Chris Black
June 22nd, 2004, 03:28 PM
Just thought id drop in my own experience with the GL2 rebate saga.

Ordered a gl2 in october of 2003 ...sent in all the rebate information. Checked my email and it showed that they had received my info and that the check was being processed. Waited about 3 or 4 months and never received it. So I called Canon, told them the deal, they were extremely nice and said they would look in to the situation. 2 weeks later, a $250 check arrived in the mail.

Ordered another gl2 in december of 2003. the exact same process happened again. Sent everything in, email said my rebate was being processed. waited a good 4 months, called Canon, they said they'd look in to it, 2 weeks later, check arrived in the mail.

To me kind of seems like ...they dont send the checks, hoping that the buyer will either forget, or just give up. But as soon as a buyer calls and lets canon know that they are upset, then they go ahead and send out the check.

anyhoo, hope this gives some of you guys a glimmer of hope in receiving your rebates.


PS, I am aware that canon does not handle the rebates, that they contract others to do it. I just didnt mention that, because ...i was lazy ....*shrug*

David Yuen
June 22nd, 2004, 04:08 PM
I semt my rebate form in on June 3 and received the check on June 19.

Graham Bernard
June 22nd, 2004, 04:08 PM
We DON'T get rebates in UK .. so think yourselves lucky!! - We could wait till Hell itself freezed over . . . we would not get any rebate .. EVER! - So stop winge-ing .. if that's how you spell it .. .


Luis Caffesse
June 22nd, 2004, 04:19 PM
Graham, you've got a deal as long as everyone in Europe agrees to never bring up again that PAL is better than NTSC.

We DON'T get PAL in USA. so think yourself lucky!! - We could wait till Hell itself freezed over . . . we would not get 20% more resolution or a 4:2:0 colorspace .. EVER!



Well, actually....if the new XL is HDV then I guess we could get more than 20% more resolution, and 4:2:0 colorsampling.

But I promise I will never complain about a rebate again.

Graham Bernard
June 22nd, 2004, 04:46 PM
One is science . . . the other is money . . . Why Shouldn't I mention the fact that PAL is better? It is GREAT! It produces the BEST! We got film look . .we don't need to do the film look thing here . . It produces everything I see in 625 lines on TVs .. 25 frames in videoing .. . very clear and organic colours . . Why didn't you lot adopt our system instead of NTSC? - It's not OUR fault?

. . . HAH! Now THAT was worth $250 - NOT!


Luis Caffesse
June 22nd, 2004, 05:09 PM
I'd gladly pay $250 for better color, more resolution, and 25fps.

By the way, I hope it was obvious I was only poking fun.
Just pointing out that while we may have rebates, you have
advantages over there as well.

"Why didn't you lot adopt our system instead of NTSC? - It's not OUR fault?"

Because our electricity runs on 60hz instead of 50hz.
And heaven forbid our video isn't compliant with circa 1950's black and white television sets.

And it's not our fault you don't get rebates.


Graham Bernard
June 22nd, 2004, 11:23 PM
OH YES IT IS! . . . You broke away from being a Colony! You gave us Bart Simpson, The Muppets AND The Jerry Springer Show .. What else am I to think? . . At least we gave you The Weakest Link ... and . .. er . . We gave you "The Weakest link"!

'Cos it's your fault !

Nick Jushchyshyn
June 24th, 2004, 09:30 AM
Don't for get "<Country or continent of your choice> Idol" came from the UK, right?

As for the rebates, it seems like there's a bit of a pattern.
It sounds like the contractor that was retained by Canon for last year's (and maybe the beginning of this year's) rebates wasn't really doing a very good job of it and now Canon has addressed the issue in some way. The latest round of US, GL2 buyers do not seem to be experiencing the turnaround issues that plagued the system last year. That sounds like a good thing. :)

Have fun.

Brian Miller
July 2nd, 2004, 01:54 PM
I purchased my GL-2 on May 19, sent in the rebate form on June 6 or so, and the rebate arrived in the mail today, July 2. I was pleased and surprised to find that the check came in an envelope, and not one of those junk mail-like postcards.

I didn't need to call about it, and wasn't planning to until at least mid-August! Now I am just waiting for a whole bunch of piddly rebates from my new DV-editing PC, which I built in early May. As soon as the rebates come for the measly 512 MB of memory I purchased, I will buy more, as I didn't get nearly enough!

A happy camper!

Kevin Galliford
July 5th, 2004, 06:56 AM
I jut got an email from Canon saying they recieved my rebate and its in prosessing.
I purchased my GL2 May 31. And just recieved an email saying its being processed, June 22. So I should recieve it soon. I hope ;-)


I recieved my check in the mail Saturday! Yay it took just over a month, I sent in my rebate form the begining June, at least it didnt take 3 years to get it ;-)