View Full Version : Shoulder Mount for PDX-10?

Paul Frederick
March 20th, 2004, 08:38 AM
Has anyone used a shoulder mount for their PDX-10? I'd like to get one for greater hand held stability but there are many options, I'm wondering if anyone has opinions on this topic? Did a search but nothing came up....

Michael Brumback Jr.
March 20th, 2004, 11:09 AM
One reason I bought the PDX10 was because it was light, portable, and without the XLR it looks like an average DV camera (great for traveling)

The downside to this is that it's a pain in the wrist, really, it's a pain. There is a reason large shoulder cameras have a stable image and handhelds don't. Even at a few pounds, it kills my hand after an hour. Here is my digital prototype for my PDX10 shoulder mount.

This is just a layout to scale in 3d to work out size to my body parts. Now that I'm learning to weld and work with metals, I can start developing the individual parts.

Adding a few extra pounds and a balance point on the shoulder should really help stabilize the image for long shooting projects other than the family birthday or the dog running in the back yard.

michael JR.

Ronald Lee
March 22nd, 2004, 01:55 AM
Um, isn't there one out that that you can just *buy* rather than make?

There are lots of mounts out there.

Michael Brumback Jr.
March 22nd, 2004, 03:23 AM
Sure there are, plenty of them, but why not make your own?

If you have the tools, time, and skill to do it, it's a whole lot cheaper to buy $50 worth of parts than spend $200 to $400 on a good universal shoulder mount. I guess for me I would rather invest the money into the tools to build my own equipment.