View Full Version : Steadicam book

Norman Woo
March 19th, 2004, 12:09 PM
Hi folks

Here is an interesting book on the Steadicam titled
"Steadicam Techniques & Aesthetics" written by Serena Ferrara.

Take a look at this site for more information.

Wayne Orr
March 19th, 2004, 02:10 PM
I have read this book, and it is very, very short on "techniques." This is unfortunate, since I would imagine most people will purchase it believing they are going to get some great inside advice on operating Steadicams. This simply is not even close to true. The book is mainly a history of the Steadicam, with photographs of Garret Brown's development of the gear. Interesting, but hardly worth the expensive price of purchase. The interviews with some of the great Steadicam operators are reminiscenes, but contain almost no "how I did it" information.

This "book" is actually Ms. Ferrara's disertation for an advanced degree in cinema, and is not what the title would lead you to believe. Probably of more interest to movie buffs than aspiring Steadicam operators.

Save your money.

Wayne Orr, SOC

Charles Papert
March 19th, 2004, 02:45 PM
That's pretty accurate.