Nicholas Vulpis
March 17th, 2004, 10:04 PM
hey all heres a question im curious if someone can answer i am experimenting with a demo of afterdark 6 heres what i would like to do not sure if its possible
shoot video say of me running down a street then
shoot video say of a forest path and a first person view running down it
then key it and put the video of me running key out street and drop it into the video of the forest path so its 2 videos combines into 1 of a man running thru the forest....
can that be done AE6 didnt quite seem to do it or give much info and as im a beginner i cant afford blue/green screen
also where can i get if possible time lapse video again without paying of nite and day passing fast to show passage of time
i would love stock footage without having to pay as im a beginner bnot sure if its possible tho.....
shoot video say of me running down a street then
shoot video say of a forest path and a first person view running down it
then key it and put the video of me running key out street and drop it into the video of the forest path so its 2 videos combines into 1 of a man running thru the forest....
can that be done AE6 didnt quite seem to do it or give much info and as im a beginner i cant afford blue/green screen
also where can i get if possible time lapse video again without paying of nite and day passing fast to show passage of time
i would love stock footage without having to pay as im a beginner bnot sure if its possible tho.....