View Full Version : EX-1 users, would you be interested in a base plate like this?

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Curtis Guise
April 23rd, 2009, 10:36 AM
I currently offer aluminum base plates for the Panasonic HVX200 and I am almost finished with them for the HPX170 and HMC150. The base plate protects the base of the camera from cracking when mounted to a tripod and also adds multiple 1/4" and 3/8" tripod mounting holes.

Is this something you would want for the EX-1? The Panasonic plates are $125 each. After looking at my friends EX-1 I think the plate would be around the same or possibly less because it would be a smaller plate.

Juice Designs (

James Huenergardt
April 23rd, 2009, 06:16 PM
Something that took advantage of the Sony VCT-14
Sony | VCT-14 Quick-Release Tripod Adapter | VCT14 | B&H Photo (

Like This
Mitcorp > Sony Specialist Dealers > Camera Accessories > Tripod Plates > TLS VCT14-Adapter - Allows use of Sony VCT-14 / U14 quick release tripod plate TLS VCT14-Adapter - Allows use of Sony VCT-14 / U14 quick release tripod plate (

Would be really cool.

Bill Ravens
April 23rd, 2009, 06:20 PM
I agree. Something that mounts to a Sony VCT-14 baseplate, and I'd buy one.

Curtis Guise
April 23rd, 2009, 07:38 PM
Why doesn't the VCT-14 work with it? Do the bigger Pro cameras already have the other plate integrated into the cameras that click into the VCT-14? Or does the VCT-14 come with a plate that only screws into a 3/8" mount? If that is the case then the VCT-14 will work with any camera I make the base plate for because of the multiple 3/8" and 1/4" holes that I put in the plate.

The TLS VCT14-Adapter that you posted a link to looks like it already solves the issue. I don't think it would make sense to compete with that. But I did notice that adapter only mounts with the 1/4" tripod hole on the camera so it might not be as strong of a mount as mine that uses the other smaller screw holes as well.

I could be wrong but I think the crowd I am aiming towards are the guys that bought small cameras and want to keep the weight down, but protect the base and add more mounting options. They are on the go constantly shooting on a tripod and handheld sometimes. Adding the VCT-14 which is 2 lbs plus the adapter plate is allot of weight. My base plates for the HVX200 are under 1/2 lb. And if I make one for the EX-1 it should be less than that. Also I'm not sure if it would make sense to limit my new plate to only work with the VCT-14. With a flat base and multiple mounting holes any tripod plate can be bolted to it.

It looks like the amount of people that want to use it might be limited? Canon also makes a quick release mount. I saw a post somewhere about a guy getting one for the XH-A1. I wonder if that is smaller and lighter? Maybe it could be used with other cameras.

Olof Ekbergh
April 23rd, 2009, 08:17 PM
I agree the VCT-14 is a great mount, and anyone who has shot with Beta or large DVcam/DVC pro probably has a few baseplates kicking around. I have 3, one on the jib one on the stedicam and one on my miller solo tripod.

It is the easiest to quickly snap into and very secure.

I have an EX3 and I was appalled at the poor basemount sony put on the camera.

I now use this solution:EX3 Heavy Duty Base Plate System | (

With the VCT-14 plate, it works great.
I certainly think there is room for more competition in aftermarket plates for these cameras.

Joe Lawry
April 23rd, 2009, 08:29 PM
A light weight baseplate option for the EX series of camera would be welcomed with open arms. I know i would anyway. Give me a way of mounting my EX1 on a tripod or my Steadicam without the camera wobbling from side to side!

I had actually seen your panasonic plates and had almost thought of giving you an email in regards to making one for the EX1.

Frédéric Attal
April 24th, 2009, 04:49 AM
Hi everybody ,

this is the piece I am looking for , before going to vtc-u14 system .
I have just completed my rig with a microShouldermount and a Genus wide mattebox
with rods support .
having to move the camera from handheld to shouldermount or to tripod's head as quick as possible , I bought 3 Bogen/Manfrotto 577 quickrelease plates ;
trying to keep an optimal center of gravity was tricky and during all these mounting, unmounting tests , I realized how poor the design of the ex1's base was .
unfortunately , there is plates only for EX3 users (I saw toe pieces for vtc14 exist) .

Curtis , I will definitely order your baseplate for my EX1 as soon as it will be available !

(sorry for my "french" english !)

Curtis Guise
April 29th, 2009, 10:34 AM
Between this forum and the forum I think there is enough interest for me to make a base plate for the EX1. Stay tuned I will post progress updates.

If anyone uses the Chrosziel 450 matte box I just started making an adapter plate so it can be used with any of the base plates that I make for the Panasonic cameras. It will also work for the EX1 if anyone uses that matte box and wants the new base plate I will be making.

Bob Grant
April 29th, 2009, 04:15 PM
We discussed these issues with Miller at NAB.
Part of the problem is how the "Euro" style quick release plates work as a system. These plates are not the sole way in which the camera is locked to the head. The plate provides downward force onto the camera body. The camera body should then seat against the raised rails on both sides of the head. If the camera body fails to contact the rails the camera will wobble slightly. They have solved this issue by mounting their Offset Camera Plate (858) to the camera and then that to the quick release plate. Link to the Miller part here: Camera Plates: Offset Camera Plate (858) - Miller Camera Support ( .

Based on this I'd suggest that any similar such plate needs to be as flat as possible on both the upper and lower surfaces. Looking at the photo of the proposed plate for the EX1 this does not seem to be the case as the bottom has reliefs into the casting. Also the plate needs to be wide enough to ensure it sits onto the rails and not between them.

Curtis Guise
April 29th, 2009, 04:45 PM
We discussed these issues with Miller at NAB.
Part of the problem is how the "Euro" style quick release plates work as a system. These plates are not the sole way in which the camera is locked to the head. The plate provides downward force onto the camera body. The camera body should then seat against the raised rails on both sides of the head. If the camera body fails to contact the rails the camera will wobble slightly. They have solved this issue by mounting their Offset Camera Plate (858) to the camera and then that to the quick release plate. Link to the Miller part here: Camera Plates: Offset Camera Plate (858) - Miller Camera Support ( .

Based on this I'd suggest that any similar such plate needs to be as flat as possible on both the upper and lower surfaces. Looking at the photo of the proposed plate for the EX1 this does not seem to be the case as the bottom has reliefs into the casting. Also the plate needs to be wide enough to ensure it sits onto the rails and not between them.

Bob, I assume you are talking about the use of the VCT-14 with the EX1 camera? Are the rails you are talking about part of the VCT-14? What is the size of the VCT-14 and the measurement from rail to rail? Once I know that I can figure out if the base plate I would make would work with it or not. The reliefs you are talking about in the HVX200 plate are machined pockets so it looks good, but more importantly to save weight. The pockets in the EX1 plate can be designed any way I want so if they are smaller pockets with allot of webbing area for a VCT-14 to have plenty of contact area with, then I don't see it being a problem.

And that 858 offset plate you posted a link to has 3/8" threads which would not work with an EX1. You might be able to put a 1/4" bolt in there but then you are only mounting it to the camera with that one bolt. And it sells for $150 on the B&H site. My goal is to design a plate that is similar in price to my HVX200 plate ($125) and it will serve multiple purposes. Adding multiple 1/4" mounting holes, multiple 3/8" mounting holes, and also protect the base of the camera from breaking. It will be attached by the 1/4" mount and at least 4 of the smaller screws that go into the internal frame of the camera.

Bob Grant
April 29th, 2009, 07:29 PM
Nothing to do with VCT-14, that's a quite different system to the "Euro" style quick release system. Here's a link to the release plate Miller use on their Arrow heads: Camera Plates: Camera Plate (860) - Miller Camera Support ( .
This plate snaps into a carriage on top of the head. Front / rear balance adjustment is made by sliding and locking the carriage. Seems to be a quite common system on Satchler heads as well as it means the camera can be taken on and off the head very quickly and COG adjustment is retained. Here's a link to Miller's Arrow 25 head: Fluid Heads: Arrow 25 Fluid Head (1022) - Miller Camera Support (
If you enlarge the image you should see fairly clearly that the sides of the top of the head sit slightly higher than the release plate and the other plates that lock the release plate to the head. Those raised ridges are what hold the camera stable, not the release plate itself.

I appreciate that the Miller offset plate I provided a link to only has the larger screws however I'm pretty certain they have another plate for the more common screw and pin arrangement on the EX's. I certainly wasn't suggesting that Miller's plate was an alternative to what you have or will have to offer, just that your plate needs to be functionally similar and certainly the same width so it will engage those ridges / rails.

Curtis Guise
April 29th, 2009, 09:37 PM
Ok that makes sense. Do you have one you can measure? Or anyone else that is reading this? I would like to know the measurement from rail to rail (ridges) and the length of them.

Bob Grant
April 30th, 2009, 12:08 AM
There's several where I work but I'll not be back there for another 24hours at least.
If no one else can help you then I'll have the info for you by then.

Bob Grant
May 1st, 2009, 01:30 AM
have measured up the head on a Miller Arrow 25.
The "rails' are 170mm long and to the outer edge 75mm wide.

Jason Kabrich
August 1st, 2009, 11:24 PM
Ill buy one when youve finished them. they look great!

Curtis Guise
August 3rd, 2009, 11:12 PM
The EX1 base plate has been taking allot longer than I hoped. I have it designed, I'm just waiting for my machinist to make the prototype so I can check it. I will definitely post as soon as I have it and do a test fit.
The HPX170 / HMC150 plates have been in stock for a month and so far everyone loves them.

Curtis Guise
October 2nd, 2009, 10:40 PM
Here is a pic of the first prototype. I am waiting for changes to the mounting hole depths and it should be ready to go...

Jason Kabrich
October 2nd, 2009, 10:58 PM
It looks great! Let me know when its finished... What do you think you'll sell it for?

Dave Morrison
October 3rd, 2009, 02:22 PM
Curtis, please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm very curious about this plate and I'm not sure I understand what it does. Since there is only one attachment point on my EX1, how does your plate affect my camera? What benefit do I derive by using your plate? Is it simply to add more contact points across the bottom of the camera? How would I benefit using this instead of the mounting plate that came with my Sachtler tripod? Thanks for any help you can offer.

Joe Lawry
October 3rd, 2009, 09:21 PM

What is it roughly weighing in at?


Frank Casanova
October 3rd, 2009, 10:19 PM
At the moment, I'm using 4 Manfrotto heavy duty quick release adapters (not the smaller hexagon model) and it's working pretty well... to change the camera quickly from tripod to jib arm to shoulder brace. They were tough to find. Bought them from photographic supply house for about $45 each. They work well, but might enjoy having something a bit more substantial.

Curtis Guise
October 4th, 2009, 01:52 PM
Jason, It will either be the same as my other plates for the Panasonic cameras ($125) or less if my production costs are lower for this one. There is a chance it will be lower but I don't know for sure yet.

Joe, I don't have an exact weight yet but the HVX200 is 220 grams, just under 1/2 pound. This plate is smaller than that one. I don't have a scale with grams on it here but I will get the weight when the final plate is made.

Dave, The base plates I make do not replace your tripod mounting plate. They offer more mounting options for your tripod plate to attach to your camera. With my base plates you can use two screws to mount your tripod plate more securely in the 1/4" holes, and people that have a need for the larger 3/8" screw holes now have an option.

Another issue people have had with the EX1 base is the curved body doesn't offer enough of a flat surface and the tripod mount can have some flex. I don't use the EX1 so I don't have any experience with that myself, but that is what I have heard from multiple people. My base plate attaches to the camera with the 1/4" mounting hole and 4 of the smaller screws that go into the base of the camera which then gives you a larger flat surface that will eliminate all or most of the flex.

And the other reason for my base plates is to help protect the base of the camera from cracking. That has been a problem for some people with the Panasonic HVX200 and it costs about $1k to have it fixed. I haven't heard of an EX1 base cracking yet but it is definitely possible. All cameras on this level only have the small metal area around the 1/4" mounting hole and the rest of the base has plastic covering the internal frame of the camera. The plastic can flex and break under stress and allow the metal rectangle your tripod plate is attached to to flex and break the internal frame it's screwed onto. People like me that shoot sports or anything where you need to move around allot could have that problem. Every time I shoot I throw my tripod on my shoulder with the camera mounted to it to hike to different spots. If I bump the camera on something or fall it could easily crack the base without my base plate on there.

Bob Grant
October 4th, 2009, 05:26 PM
you've certainly got me mighty interested. Just to be specific, you say:

My base plate attaches to the camera with the 1/4" mounting hole and 4 of the smaller screws that go into the base of the camera which then gives you a larger flat surface that will eliminate all or most of the flex.

Does this mean we remove 4 screws from the base of the camera and use 4 presumably longer screws to attach the plate as well as the standard 1/4" screw?

Curtis Guise
October 4th, 2009, 05:47 PM
Does this mean we remove 4 screws from the base of the camera and use 4 presumably longer screws to attach the plate as well as the standard 1/4" screw?

Exactly, I supply the longer screws and also a new 1/4" screw, and the two allen wrenches you need for them.

Dave Morrison
October 4th, 2009, 07:47 PM
Curtis, your plate would attach to the bottom of the EX1 using the screw holes visible in Rob's photo seen here?:

Tom Daigon
October 4th, 2009, 09:20 PM
Just in the interest of choice - here is a similar variaion on a theme. I just got it and am pleased.

DM-Accessories - EX3-SHOULDER Shoulder Brace For EX3 Camcorders (

Curtis Guise
October 5th, 2009, 10:57 PM
Curtis, your plate would attach to the bottom of the EX1 using the screw holes visible in Rob's photo seen here?:

I'm not sure which screw holes you are referring to. The ones on the broken tripod mount? If you look at my two pics of the prototype plate mounted to the camera (post #17) you can see the big 1/4" screw and the 4 small screws that I use. The 4 small screws are ones that are spread out over the base of the camera. If I only used the ones right next to the 1/4" hole the same thing could happen as in that picture, a broken mount. I wish the EX1 base was similar to the Panasonic's because those have 6 screw holes that I use around the edge of the plate.

And thanks for posting a link to that picture. Now I have seen a broken EX1. My base plate will help prevent that from happening.

Curtis Guise
October 5th, 2009, 11:00 PM
Tom, nice shoulder mount for your EX3. But we are talking about the EX1. I don't plan on making anything for the EX3 because there are already a few options out there.

Bob Grant
October 6th, 2009, 01:35 AM
I think I can safely say we'll take at least three.
We did realise there is a problem though. The EX1 just fits inside a number of the Storm cases (iM2500, iM2600) with just enough room for a small layer of foam top and bottom. The thickness of the plate is therefore going to be a critical issue.

Ola Christoffersson
October 19th, 2009, 03:37 PM
Any news on when this nice product might be available?

Olof Ekbergh
October 19th, 2009, 05:14 PM
I have made a plate for EX1 that improves on the light duty Sony mounting plate.

I have also repaired the broken plate in an EX1, and the threaded studs in camera.

If you are interested in ordering a plate for EX1 contact me. The new plate is available now.

Paul Kellett
October 19th, 2009, 05:27 PM

Are there any pictures and a price for the EX1 plate ?


Olof Ekbergh
October 19th, 2009, 05:35 PM
I can send you info and photos. Contact me. I have been trying to become a sponsor on DVinfo, but I have not been set up yet. So I cant publish order info and photos yet.

I also make wireless mike side plate that mounts to baseplate.

Curtis Guise
October 28th, 2009, 01:42 PM
"Any news on when this nice product might be available? "

I don't have a date yet. Still waiting on my machinist. I will keep you guys updated.

Curtis Guise
December 24th, 2009, 03:24 PM
I have more of my Panasonic base plates being made early next week and the second EX1 prototype plate will be made at the same time. Once I get it and confirm that it fits good I will have a batch of them made.

Does anyone know if the new EX1R has the same base as the EX1? The body looks similar but I don't see any pics of the bottom of the camera online.

Olof Ekbergh
December 24th, 2009, 09:36 PM

Happy Holidays.

I have been shipping the EX1 plate now for a month or so. I have expanded the line to include NanoFlash specific arms. And I will be making and shipping a few different shoulder braces that fit with my wing and plate system, and a matte-box rail holder is coming in January as well. VCT-U14 interface is in the works too.

Here is the order page.

EX1 Stronger Plates (

The EX1R is a little different. It has 2 1/4" holes and a pin hole in the middle. And all the 2mm screws in the base are in a different places. It was a very good move on Sony's part, it is a much sturdier connection.

If you have any specific questions, contact me.

Curtis Guise
January 5th, 2010, 02:39 PM
My second prototype is shipping to a customer for testing today. Once we know it fits perfectly I will be making the final plates, anodizing them black and should be shipping in the next 2-3 weeks.

The final retail price will be about $99. These take less time to make than the Panasonic plates so I can pass on the savings.

Thanks to everyone for being patient... I have had allot of people interested in these and we finally have a good looking, good fitting and inexpensive base plate to offer.

Curtis Guise
January 19th, 2010, 02:03 PM
Quick update. The EX1 plates are in production and will be finished next week.

I measured an EX1R yesterday and all of the screw locations are different than the EX1. I decided it would be best to create a new plate for the EX1R and not modify the EX1 plate to work on both. That way each plate will look cleaner and nothing is compromised on the EX1 baseplate to make it work with both.

Kelly Langerak
January 22nd, 2010, 04:36 PM
Let me know when you have them for the EX1r. Also what quick release are you guys using for the EX1r? I do weddings and the camera needs to go on and off the tripod quickly.

Curtis Guise
January 27th, 2010, 08:17 PM
Let me know when you have them for the EX1r. Also what quick release are you guys using for the EX1r? I do weddings and the camera needs to go on and off the tripod quickly.

I just got a batch of EX1 base plates and the EX1R prototype today. I am shipping the EX1 pre-orders I have in the morning then I am out of town until Monday night so I can start shipping again on Tuesday.

I am going to have someone test the EX1R prototype next week.

I will post some pictures of the final black anodized plates soon.

Curtis Guise
February 2nd, 2010, 11:48 PM
Here are pictures of the prototype EX1R base plate mounted to the camera.

The EX1 base plates are ready to ship.

Dave Morrison
February 2nd, 2010, 11:52 PM
Beautiful job, Curtis. I want one.

Alister Chapman
February 3rd, 2010, 07:03 AM
I received one of Curtis's EX1 plates today and it is indeed very well made and looks very nice. I'll get it on the camera later and report further, but I'm really impressed so far.

Curtis Guise
February 3rd, 2010, 10:54 AM
Thanks for the compliments Dave and Alister.

Here are a couple of pictures of the EX1 base plate.

Dave Morrison
February 3rd, 2010, 11:17 AM
The main reason I want one is because I'll occasionally hoist the camera and tripod onto my shoulder to move positions. I always wished that the bottom mounting points were a little more "robust" but I still had the bad habit of carrying my rig this way on occasions. Then I started seeing those photos of ripped out bottom plates and this new mounting plate started making a lot more sense! The added screw mounting points is what makes this work. Without it, you'd still be depending on that tiny 1/4-20 screw to hold it all together.

Curtis Guise
February 3rd, 2010, 11:51 AM
Exactly Dave. That is what I do with my HVX200 and tripod on every shoot. I have to hike allot shooting off-road racing and there is allot of stress on the camera base when you carry it like that. My friend fell once and it broke the base which cost about $1000 for Panasonic to fix it...
The first picture on my site shows me carrying my camera like that.

Tony Newman
February 5th, 2010, 12:22 AM
I've been checking out Curtis's plate for a few days now and it really looks good and feels solid to my EX1R camera. One of the things that was a very pleasant surprise is I can mount the Manfrotto adapter plate for my tripod in a couple of different places. It doesn't sound like a big deal at first, but for me it changes where the camera balance is, especially when loaded with a shotgun mic and receiver. Otherwise, I have only one choice with the Sony factory mount. I know that the EX1R has a stronger mounting plate than the original EX1, so it may seem a little redundant to have this plate on the camera too, but I love the flexibilty that the extra mounting holes provide. I can't see a reason for EVER taking it off! Good job Curtis!

Curtis Guise
February 17th, 2010, 02:02 PM
Quick update for the EX1R model of the base plate. I just heard from my machinist yesterday and he will be shipping them to me by next week.

Curtis Guise
February 25th, 2010, 01:56 PM
The EX1R base plates will start shipping tomorrow!

Here is a review by Alister at xdcam-user

Curtis Guise
June 2nd, 2010, 03:02 PM
Hey everyone. I ran out of EX1 base plates so I am making more. With a little push from a customer I am making them with an accessory arm mount. I am also making the arms. I hope to have them within a couple of weeks and will post pictures. You can currently pre-order on my site for $99 (base plate without the arm). When they are in stock I will most likely be moving them up to the $125 price like my other base plates are so this is a good time to order. I don't have a price on the arms yet but they might be around $30. Once I know they will be added to the site.

If you currently own one of my base plates and would like the accessory arm I am going to try and figure out a trade in solution, and/or a discount for the new style plate. Please PM me if interested in this.