View Full Version : Anyone use Gooder SteadyHand?

Howard Meyer
March 14th, 2004, 06:59 PM
Gooder Video has several programs- SteadyHand, MotionPerfect, SlowMotion- that do things that I would like to be able to do. Now, I am an absolute beginner so I am like a kid in a candy shop when I read about these things. The price is right- almost too good for what these programs are said to do. Can someone familiar with video editing tell me if they have any opinions on these products? Read more at:

Joe Sacher
March 14th, 2004, 09:02 PM
I use SteadyHand every once in a while. Since it uses Microsoft's DV codec, DV out of it doesn't look too good. It also doesn't have the best resizing algorithm. I typically run it with uncompressed output and tell it to add black to the borders and don't resize at all. Then I load this into Vegas (which has great resizing with the super sampling envelope) and zoom in as far as I need to eliminate the black borders.

It does a really good job for most things I worked with. Definitely worth the $70. When you are getting video from others that you can't control when shooting, it is a life saver. A little bit soft shot is much less of a problem then one with a couple camera jerks in the middle. You can't take video like a hyper kid and fix it with this, but the occational jerk or shake can be reduced.

Dave Largent
March 16th, 2004, 01:52 PM
I have SteadyHand also, and my luck has been so-so.
Joe, so you convert your DV to uncompressed AVI in Vegas, run it through SteadyHand with "no edge correction", and then crop the black borders out?
How do you use super sampling with this?
What does super sampling do?
I've heard render times go way up with super
sampling, true?
Have you noticed that, with "zoom to fill" enabled
in SteadyHand, that you get jumps/jutter?