Chad Whelan
March 12th, 2004, 09:39 PM
I want to post video to my website. I am using fcp3 and have dvdsp also. I want to have a windows and/or real and quicktime version. Outside of the quicktime version, I am blind on this one...any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance...Chad
Emmet Lucey
March 13th, 2004, 02:25 AM
Skip wmv and quicktime, go with flash based on sorensen 3.5 within video templates from flash mx 2004.
Good quality, fast & small player download, broad compatability, cool integration possibilites into web pages.
MHO :-)
Jack Xiong
March 13th, 2004, 02:57 AM
but you can't download those flash files, can you?
(unless you go into the souce code and specifically look for the URL of the flash file)
I think what he wants to do is to have people download sample movies/reels onto their own hard drives for later viewing.
So, just output your video to mpeg files for Windows, or get Adobe Premiere 6.5 for Mac, and you can output Windows Media file from there.
See, Windows Media Files is a Microsoft thing (Windows only). Apple doesn't like that. And you know why there is no Mac version of Premiere Pro? Because Adobe said "hey, why should we make a Mac version of Premiere Pro, when Apple is making their own editing software called Final Cut Pro?" So they ditched Apple and didn't make a Mac version of Premiere Pro.
You can also output Real Media from Premiere 6.5. So yeah, Premiere have all the major formats covered.
Chad Whelan
March 13th, 2004, 08:26 AM
I do not want to have to buy premier just to do this. I can output to mpeg2 or mpeg4 and of course quicktime. Is there any other way to convert them at this point to real or wmv files through an alternate program? These will become downloadable samples to be used on my site.
Emmet Lucey
March 13th, 2004, 09:08 AM
wmv9 is a free download over at bill's place
Chad Whelan
March 13th, 2004, 09:11 AM lost me there...what is bill's palce, and will this convert my files from mac based quicktime or mpeg to wmv?
Emmet Lucey
March 13th, 2004, 09:37 AM
sorry, bad spelling, bills place i. e. microsoft, freedownload
George Ellis
March 13th, 2004, 09:50 AM
And you just export to AVI DV2 format and Windows Media Encoder will work from there. You then have to figure out how much bandwidth you can use and weigh that against the quality you want.
WindowsMedia is the site at Microsoft.
Keith Loh
March 13th, 2004, 10:11 AM
Sorensen Squeeze will do all those formats.