John Gaspain
March 9th, 2004, 01:41 AM
I found these on ebay, Im on a budget so I dont want to spend a fortune- but am kinda leary of using shop lights. I have no lights at all right now and just want a couple of simple versatile lights.
any good?
Anthony Meluso
March 9th, 2004, 02:30 AM
Interesting that they say the color of daylight is 6500 K when its generally accepted to be at 5,500 K. But I guess you can always fix that with a manual white balance.
Make sure you can mout or clamp it somewhere like a light stand or a fixture. Probably would make a wide key or background light.
Bill Ball
March 9th, 2004, 08:14 AM
Check at your local Walmart first. I once bought a worklight that looks and specs exactly like the one on e-bay for $25 there about a year ago. It was too blue to be of use to me and I returned it.
The e-bay ad not only gives a high color temp but it also indicates that the CRI is only 84 --typically poor color rendering for a fluorescent, and that it needs substantial color correction with gels. Oh and that it doesnt have a stand mount.
My guess is that this is a cheap flo worklight being marketed as a movie light.
You will do just as well for less money at your local hardware store.
John Gaspain
March 9th, 2004, 08:29 AM
Wow, thanks for the sound advice
Bill Ball
March 9th, 2004, 09:31 AM
Having spend a couple hundred on cheap junk to start myself, I would reccomend the following as the cheapest set up to learn lighting. The advantage is that it's real stuff you wont outgrow anytime soon. Also, throw in a couple ordinary halogen bulbs in ordinary fixtures for back/background lights and some foam core for reflectors and you can actually tape something decent with this setup.
Get the book and some sort of entry-level pro light and go nuts.
The following is from
Book: Lighting for Digital Video & TV by John Jackman
MFR #1578201152 • B&H #CMLDVT $ 34.95 ($24 at Amazon)
Lowel Pro-Light Tungsten Spot Light with Bulb
MFR #P2101 • B&H #LOPLL $ 114.95
Lowel 4-Way Barndoor for Pro and i-Light
MFR #IP20 • B&H #LOBD4PL $ 33.95
Lowel Cl-15 - Gel-Jawz - Clips
MFR #CL15 • B&H #LOGJ $ 9.95
Bogen / Manfrotto #FP209 - Variety Filter Pack
MFR #FP209 • B&H #BOFP209 $ 19.95
Bogen / Manfrotto 3097 - Lightweight Pro Light Stand - 7' 9"
MFR #3097 • B&H #BO3097 $ 51.95
Sub Total: $265.70
(Excluding Shipping & Handling)
John Gaspain
March 9th, 2004, 02:03 PM
thanks Bill, Ill check that out
John Hartney
March 11th, 2004, 09:09 PM
nah.. no good.. green spike, low CRI... typical junk
Bryan Beasleigh
March 13th, 2004, 11:18 AM
For the same money you can buy the 3086 stand that will hold twice the weight.
Read some more of these and other threads. Video works better with soft indirect light (IMO) The prolight is great as an accent but by the time you bounce it or run it through a baffle there's not much left (250 watts)
I aggree that it's a waste of money to run out and buy cheap crap.
Also hold off on the gels and hoders until you get some basics under your belt