Shawn Dooling
April 22nd, 2009, 07:02 AM
Hello all, we just shot a Live music showcase which was new to us. We shot in 720P/30 and noticed when previewing the clips afterwards we were getting a rolling shutter during certain lighting changes. Now I'm assuming this was the frequency of the lighting vs the shutter setting was the problem. Settings were angle 180 shutter 1/50.
This is all assumption, but i was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what easiest fix would be...would turning the shutter off work, or is there no way around it?
Please keep in mind we are very new at this.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Paul Kellett
April 22nd, 2009, 07:12 AM
Do you mean rolling shutter like when you have a clip with a crt tv in the shot and the tv screen seems as if it's "rolling", ?
If so the the "ecs" function of the shutter can be adjusted to compensate, i also have a light which "rolls" when viewed on the camera, i can get ride of the roll by using the ecs shutter.
Switch the shutter on using the shutter switch (make sure menu is set to "part" to allow the switches to work), select "ecs" with the joystick, then go up and down the values whilst pointing the camera at a crt, you'll see the tv screen rolls change frequency.
The only problem with live shows is that you won't know about the light changes until they happen.
Barry J. Anwender
April 22nd, 2009, 08:27 AM
What you are seeing is flicker from a frame rate that 1/10Hz away from the power line frequency of the lighting. Please refer to this thread:
Shawn Dooling
April 26th, 2009, 07:03 PM
so would setting the camera to flicker reduce at 60hz help this flickering problem with the lighting????
Barry J. Anwender
April 26th, 2009, 09:33 PM
I would try the recommended shutter speed of 1/60th and that should resolve what you are seeing. The Flicker adjust may or may not be required at this setting. I also just noticed in my reply above that I should be referring to shutter speed not frame rate. Sorry about that.
David Issko
April 27th, 2009, 12:08 AM
There is a bit of debate concerning progressive capture and shutter speed. I personally have the shutter OFF during my recordings as the only thing that I observe with it on compared with it off is a drop in exposure. This may or may not be of benefit, depending on the individual shooting conditions.
I will, of course activate the shutter to achieve the proper effect that the shutter offers.