View Full Version : Videojournalism - an academic view

Markus Bo
March 8th, 2004, 08:30 AM

as a video journalist abroad - far away from my centrals - I designed my own way of working. Unfortunately I still didn't finish my studies but now I am urged to it. Well, what's nearer to write my thesis just about video-journalism?!

Therefore I am looking for some collegues who work as video-journalists or have experience and agree to answer some questions.

Just send me a mail to


Gary Chavez
March 8th, 2004, 01:40 PM
I have was a photojournalist for 13 years.
I guess I can answer some questions, but I have no idea what your post is about.

Gary Chavez
March 8th, 2004, 01:42 PM
drop 'have' from above post.

Markus Bo
March 8th, 2004, 04:42 PM
Hi Gary,

great that you have such an experience. Well, I will tell you some details.

Some years ago I started studying Journalism at a German university. Meanwhile I entered more and more into the job and one day, labour oportunity was more interesting than theory. For three years I already work now in Spain already beeing a student. Well, now laws were changed and they urged me to pay a lot of money for being a long term student. So I decided to finish my studies, writing my thesis. Therefore I need input abour VJ experience to find out perfect equipment, ways of working and limits. If you agree you send me your mail and I'll send you some questions.