View Full Version : Hello from Vancouver
Adam Wakely October 10th, 2001, 09:22 PM Well I'm really from Port Coquitlam but no one know where that is!
Hello all!
I've been an XL1 owner since 1998 and have been doing wedding videos for about 6 years. I own my home based company and enjoy all sorts of video productions. Looking forward to this group to help and learn more!
I got my link to Chris Hurd when he emailed me after I posted some pics on a newsgroup on a 'flip-out monitor' idea for the XL1!
Happy to be here!
Ballistic October 13th, 2001, 11:37 PM Hey,
Seems like we're in famaliar territory. I'm a happy XL1 shooter who's got a few weddings under my belt - not exactly a company though.
My true passion right now is independant films.
I'm just trying to network and find others like myself.
So, hello and take care.
Dylan Couper June 1st, 2002, 02:24 PM Hello to everyone!
Here is my little introduction and background.
I live in the Vancouver area. Went to school for film for 2 years before dropping out, due to lack of money. After that my interest kind of waned for the last 6 years or so, but now has picked back up in a big way.
I currently own and operate an aquarium installation and service company, and plan to do a series of instructional and education videos for retail distribution. If that's successful, I hope to continue down the video production path. Possibly with a snowboarding video, which I do a lot of. Someday down the road, I'd like to tackle a feature length production
I purchased a used XL1 off a documentary company last week, and now I'm shopping for a editing PC, as well as tons of other equiptment, which I will be looking for your opinions on.
If there is anyone else in the Vancouver area that is interested in collaborating on projects, by all means let me know.
Well, that brings you up to speed on me!
Dylan Couper June 1st, 2002, 02:36 PM I know where Port Coquitlam is!
I live here too!
Bryan Beasleigh June 3rd, 2002, 02:16 AM I know Poco well, even the bearded blond at the Poco Inn. Now that scared me.
Rob Lohman June 3rd, 2002, 02:30 AM Welcome Dylan! That's got to hurt to drop out of school due to
a lack of money. Anyways, sounds like you have a couple of nice
things to do with your new camera. Welcome aboard!
Keith Loh June 3rd, 2002, 10:28 AM Hi Dylan. I'm also in Vancouver. I've been saving up for an XL1s for most of the year and will probably be able to get a proper kit this month.
What film school did you go to? I had that option this year but I turned it down because I couldn't justify not earning a living for a year.
Maybe we can put our heads together on something? I have a friend who is a graduate of the Vancouver Film School and we're like to collaborate on a short of some kind.
Actually this weekend I crash-wrote an 8 minute film to submit to a CBC contest that I only learned about Friday.
Send me email at my work and we can compare notes.
Dylan Couper June 3rd, 2002, 10:55 AM Rob, dropping out did suck, but getting into the aquarium business probably got me closer to the film industry than film school.
I've done set decoration for Outer Limits, Police Academy the TV series, several commercials, and two pilots. I almost got to do a huge display for the movie Deep Rising but the company that I had worked for previously got the job. The setup turned out to be a disaster for them, and then the whole scene got cut from the movie anyway, so I'm not too crushed. :)
Keith, I went to Brock Univertisy in Ontario then transfered to SFU for my second year. I was getting the shaft from them alot for being an out of province transfer, and my money was running out, so that pretty much ended it.
I looked into the Vancouver Film School when I was at SFU, but then I met someone who had spent $20,000 on their 1 year course and said it was a waste of time and money and was re-doing everything at SFU. However, I've checked out their programs recently, and it looks pretty good. I'm thinking of taking a few courses there for a refersher. What did your freind think of it?
Summer is the slow season for my business, so I've got lots of free time if you've got any projects you want to work on!
I'll send you an e-mail.
Rob Lohman June 3rd, 2002, 11:36 AM Dylan, good for you! Sounds like your indeed more in the right
direction then you would have otherwise.... Great to hear!
Keith Loh June 3rd, 2002, 11:53 AM <<<--
I looked into the Vancouver Film School when I was at SFU, but then I met someone who had spent $20,000 on their 1 year course and said it was a waste of time and money and was re-doing everything at SFU. However, I've checked out their programs recently, and it looks pretty good. I'm thinking of taking a few courses there for a refersher. What did your freind think of it?
To tell you the truth, I don't think their reputation has improved a lot more. At least as far as graduates working in the industry. My friend seems to have liked it but the only work he's doing is with his camcorder. This could have changed in the past couple years since the last time I spoke to a grad, though.
I didn't look at VFS when I was considering school because of its past reputation and its extreme cost. I'm more of a writer (though I can't wait to start shooting) with a background in post production so I'm looking more for a specific education rather than something general. I intend to take parttime courses over the next year and hopefully work some of that knowledge into my day job where we work with streaming video.
Alex Ratson July 16th, 2002, 08:24 PM hey, i just got to say if it were not for you Chris i would not be ordering my new XL1S this coming week.
I found it hard to find a good price up hear but i got to say the guys at Matrix Pro video in Vancouver are great to deal with and have given me a good student price on the XL1s (i am a Grade 10 Media student who has bean saving his penys for somtime now).
Thanks agen evry one for supplying info to this community, it has realy helped.
Dylan Couper July 16th, 2002, 11:49 PM Hey fellow BC dweller!
How's the weather over there?
Out of curiosity, how much is the student price vs. full price there?
That's pretty wild that you are in grade 10 and get to own a great tool like the XL1s. Hopefully it will take you places!
Alex Ratson July 17th, 2002, 08:35 PM Hey Bylan, the weather is kinda cloudy right now. the student price at the matrix in vancouver is $5500 for the 16xis kit, and the MA200 is $356. prity good deal compared to the shelf price at Vistek ($600 16x is kit $500 for the MA200)
Rik Sanchez July 17th, 2002, 09:14 PM Alex,
congrats on your xl-1s and welcome aboard, it's great to see people getting into the dv stuff while still in high school. You're at a good point right now, everything is affordable and shooting and editing video is possible for anyone. When I was in tenth grade the first Macintosh was about to be invented, Apple II's were the hot thing back then, Chris, what was happening when you were in tenth grade?
we are all happy to pass on what we know, and of course it works the other way around, us old dogs are always willing to learn new tricks, enjoy your camera!
Keith Loh July 17th, 2002, 11:28 PM Hey Alex. I get my hands on an XL1s tomorrow. I'm in Vancouver. One of these days I'll meet up with Dylan too.
So you got good service from Matrix, eh? I sent them an email and they never replied so I usually take that as an indication of how much a company needs my service. I'll look at them again.
Derrick Begin July 18th, 2002, 10:58 AM Alex,
Welcome aboard! An excellent tool and investment to add to your arsenal. I hope it works well for your needs.
A ski feature at Whistler/Blackcomb? If you have this in mind, count me in. I am there.
Anyways, I digress.
New York, New York
Barry Walker February 19th, 2003, 06:16 PM Hi
I live in Vancouver, B.C. I'm what you would call a mature student . I own a canon ultura and have studio DV on my computer. In the past I have made minuture cooking (3mins) for a web site I had. I now am taking some courses and have lofty ideas about making documentaries. Of course I intend to upgrade my equiptment considerably over the next year. If anyone has any suggestions about how I might proceed I would be most grateful. I am glad to be here and hope to contribute and participate with you all.
Frank Granovski February 19th, 2003, 06:20 PM Oh, no...! Another Vancouverite! Welcome to the forums, Barry. (I live in Kits, 3rd & Yew).
Barry Walker February 19th, 2003, 06:54 PM Hi Frank
I live in the west end with my wife and daughter on burnaby and jervis. Great to meet you.
Rob Lohman February 19th, 2003, 07:56 PM Welcome aboard Barry, good to have you with us!
Keith Loh February 19th, 2003, 08:37 PM Welcome from another Vancouverrite.
Frank Granovski February 19th, 2003, 08:45 PM Burnaby and Jervis? Geez, that's a 20 minute walk from here (but I hate walking over the Burrard Street Bridge---too much traffic + bad knees).
Chris Hurd February 19th, 2003, 08:55 PM Holy cow, so many of you guys from Vancouver. I really hope to make it up there sometime soon... I'd love to see the city, and of course, meet all of you. The first round is on me. Welcome aboard! You guys make a good balance to all the Texans, Aussies and Brits on this board. Great to have you.
Keith Loh February 20th, 2003, 11:02 AM Don't come today. It's a torrent out there.
Dylan Couper February 20th, 2003, 07:16 PM Hey!
I'm in Coquitlam. There's got to be at least 6 "known" members here from the GVRD. Probably many more lurkers.
Frank Granovski February 21st, 2003, 05:37 AM Coquitlam? I'm going there Sunday for supper---Como Lake area.
Dylan Couper February 21st, 2003, 11:18 AM Ah Como Lake. I hope you are going to someone's house, cause there aren't any good restaurants there. :)
Frank Granovski February 21st, 2003, 02:28 PM Yes, at my wife's Uncle/Aunt's home. Their son owns 2 XL1s and 2 GL2 cams. He shoots weddings for a living: stills and video.
Alex Kyrou March 12th, 2003, 02:21 PM Hi,
I've done a lot of video editing/post-production for a local company in London, England. I then came to Vancouver in 2001 to study film at UBC for 4 years.
I purchased a used Sony PD150 (PAL) around Xmas time to use for future video projects. I've just finished shooting my first short project, but I'm looking into shooting more, so I can gain more experience using this camera.
If there's anyone from the Vancouver area (I'm located at 6th and Arbutus in Kits) that would be interested in collaborating on future projects, just give me a shout.
Alex Kyrou
Keith Loh March 12th, 2003, 06:29 PM Hi Alex. I'm downtown and eager to be shooting. Already know a bunch of people doing the same thing. Dylan Couper from this group is local as well. Would love to talk filmmaking anytime.
More about me:
Frank Granovski March 12th, 2003, 07:00 PM I only live 4 short blocks from you (3rd & Yew).
Alex Kyrou March 12th, 2003, 08:58 PM Keith, your website design is great. It seems that your pretty diverse in what you can do.
I'm working on a website at the moment for my pseudo-video production company under which all my shorts will be headed. My first short should be up there pretty soon:
Frank, 4 short blocks away eh? I expected there to be guys here from Vancouver, but not just around the corner!
It would be great to meet up with you guys sometime...
Frank Granovski March 12th, 2003, 09:23 PM You can always e-mail me for a coffee meeting at Kit's Coffee (4th & Yew). They are open until 7:00PM.
Keith Loh March 12th, 2003, 09:56 PM Interesting business you are creating there according to your website. Email marketing, eh? We should definitely talk. The company I work for are pushing their technology for use in emails for certain. It's in my sig.
Joe Lloyd April 16th, 2003, 09:31 AM Hi there,
I'm somewhat new to this forum... although i have been reading posts in it for awhile now =)
I live in Vancouver BC. I was wondering if there were any groups interested in doing some filming. In particular street interviews and things like that..
Dylan Couper April 16th, 2003, 09:37 AM Official welcome!
As you've no doubt seen by now, there is a large contingent of Vancouverites here. I think we may have just surpassed the Texas crowd....
What kind of street interviews do you have in mind?
Joe Lloyd April 16th, 2003, 11:13 AM something funny, but not jackass stupid funny.. Still trying to figure it out myself... but i enjoy filming people as they are so much more dynamic than just scenary.
Keith Loh April 16th, 2003, 11:28 AM Hey, there. Vancouver boy here as well.
This is funny because I just saw a group of people on Hastings yesterday doing a faux interview.
Frank Granovski April 16th, 2003, 02:42 PM Yeah, I like shooting people as well: stills and video; and not too long ago I got hired to to some shooting around Main & Hastings. Man..., you gotta watch out around there. The locals don't like people with a camera.
Scott Burbank April 16th, 2003, 04:45 PM A couple of summers ago I was freelancing for Shoreline studios.
(casting Studio) The Director wanted some realistic gothic style people for his commercials. So he sent us out to do some street casting here in Vancouver. Wow, I have never shot so many weird and strange people. We were on East Hastings Street.
Joe Lloyd April 16th, 2003, 05:28 PM on hastings i chicken out and shoot from a moving car....
Dylan Couper April 16th, 2003, 06:09 PM If you want to do something like Girls Gone Wild on the streets, count me in!
The real good ones to shoot near Hastings are just a block north on Cordova. Anyway, I won't even open my car windows going down Hastings.
Frank Granovski April 16th, 2003, 06:46 PM Ah, they're everywhere: Frasier Street, Burnaby, New West---and then there are those friendly Surrey blonds, all dolled up and looking for dates. I prefer the West Side beaches myself, like Kits Beach. I only live 3 blocks up from there.
Joe Lloyd April 16th, 2003, 08:22 PM girls gone wild, vancouver streets... hehehe ya that would work
Dylan Couper April 16th, 2003, 11:03 PM Heh, Surrey Girls Gone Wild....
That wouldn't be much of a stretch...
Dylan Couper April 16th, 2003, 11:11 PM Dylan's guide to Vancouver hookers:
Hottest: Seymore and Nelson
Ugliest: Hastings and Main
Most likely to be a man: Cordova
Frank Granovski April 16th, 2003, 11:39 PM >Most likely to be a man: Cordova<
Actually, try Davie and Seymore. I used to work there for a sign co. Strange, I tell ya.
Joe Lloyd April 17th, 2003, 11:13 PM Vancouver Idol is auditioning at Metro Town on Saturday. We are going to have 2 people doing some interviews... this should be good for some laughs.
Joe Lloyd April 23rd, 2003, 02:29 PM If anyone is in a band looking for a music video or knows one let me know.. I really want to do some to get some experience there... and seeing as I'm free there's nothing to lose...
Anyways If anyone is interested just let me know.
Oh and as a side remark...
Dylan Couper April 23rd, 2003, 11:43 PM In addition...
I'm looking for royalty free music from local Vancouver bands to add to a video.
oh and...
(I'm back on the bandwagon, that I jumped off after the 0-6 game)