John B. Coons
April 21st, 2009, 09:58 PM
I heard that the "Lock/Standby" that is on the A1 has been removed from the A1s. I video horse shows, videoing riders who pay me to capture their 2 minutes of fame in the ring. (I attend 20 or so shows a year, videoing 50-100 riders at each show). There can be 3 or 4 horses near the end-gate ready to enter the ring and I might have an order to video 1 of them. I wait - with A1 on Lock - when I see my horse approaching the gate I flip to Standby ready to push the button. I replaced my XL1s with the XH-A1, and found the Standby/Lock which is an incredibly useful feature for me. So how would I do this on the A1s? Let the camera run for the 10 or so minutes between horses? I have a dust/rain cover over the camera, so if I turn off the camera must I dig around on the left side to turn it on? Will it retain my manual focus setting if I powered it off via the dial?
Tripp Woelfel
April 22nd, 2009, 06:03 AM
I'd miss my Pause/Lock if I upgraded, so I know what you mean.
I don't think there's a simple answer. The camera, if running on battery, will enter a low power state on its own in something like 4.5 minutes. That's a lot of potential head wear, but you can program one of the user buttons to stop the drum from spinning. You can also use that button to start it back up as it functions as a toggle.
As to saving power, the only other thought I have short of turning the unit off is closing the LCD when you're not shooting. Inelegant I'll admit but I'm not sure there's a better way.
I don't know this for certain, but I don't think you'll loose your focus if you fully power down. I'm pretty sure you will lose your focus or zoom preset.
Eric Larson
April 23rd, 2009, 01:14 PM
I also have a XH-A1 and shoot at dog shows, like yourself only doing certain competitors. So I'm turning the camera and off and all the time. I didn't know that about the s version not having the standby switch, sorta of weird.
I just got a varizoom vz-rock and it has a button on it that turns the camera off and on. It works awesome, great zoom control and easy one hand operation.