View Full Version : About USB/FireWire/PCI Cards

David Ho
March 4th, 2004, 01:29 PM
Do you specifically need one of these cards or *another* card(s) to get the footage captured? I know DV uses FireWire, and my motherboard came with FireWire, USB, the Sound Card, and ethernet card/ports inside of them, do I need to get another one? What's the difference between the motherboards that carry these and buying a seperate USB/FireWire card? Is it better to get them independently?

Jean-Philippe Archibald
March 4th, 2004, 01:53 PM
No!, If your motherboard already have a firewire port on it, you are a lucky guy, use it and save the cash of the firewire card for other things!

Joe Pitz
March 4th, 2004, 02:01 PM
David, Mother board or PCI slot mounted cards should not be a consideration. As far as firewire or USB goes, ite depends on what interface your camera supports. My xl1s supports firewire.

I also have a still digital camera that supports USB.



David Ho
March 4th, 2004, 03:02 PM
I believe my GL2 supports the USB and FireWire, but I am saying would I need to buy another card. Now, what you just said is to not use the motherboard FireWire ports?

Joe Pitz
March 4th, 2004, 04:30 PM

You should be fine using both the firewire/usb port from your motherboard.

If you need extra firewire/usb ports you can add then. But you should be fine with what you have.

