Nori Wentworth
May 31st, 2002, 11:04 AM
Anyone know of a good inepensive track and dolly system. I built my own a couple of years ago and am now looking to upgrade to somethind a little more professional.
View Full Version : Track and Dolly Nori Wentworth May 31st, 2002, 11:04 AM Anyone know of a good inepensive track and dolly system. I built my own a couple of years ago and am now looking to upgrade to somethind a little more professional. Kyle "Doc" Mitchell May 31st, 2002, 12:15 PM Nori: I don't know any brand names for inexpensive dolly systems; however, if you look on the eBay auction site, you'll occasionally see nice (real) dolly tracks and carts cheap. Of course, paying for shipping the dolly will drag (no pun intended) the price up. regards, Kyle "Doc" Mitchell ErikFilmcrew June 1st, 2002, 06:05 AM I think manfrotto has a light dolly system. But you can only mount the camera on it. I think it's priced to 500$ or something like that. You could rent a proffessional dolly for under 100$. A "Panther" or what they are called. Regards, Erik Ford Minton June 1st, 2002, 03:16 PM check out these dolly systems: ProMax dolly: supertrack dolly: pocket dolly: Good luck. Ford Minton |