View Full Version : Switching tape brands

Eddie Vaughn
March 3rd, 2004, 12:38 PM
Sorry if this is redundant, but a search on "tape brands" didnt turn up much help.

I have been running Maxell tapes in my xl-1 about a year, and the only problem is an occasional "wide interlacing" on start-up where the current material and what might be underneath alternate on the screen in wide horizontal bands.

I suspect it may be due to heads needing a cleaning, and sure enough yesterday I got the viewfinder message flashing to clean heads. I bought a Maxell dry cleaner at the local Target, having read on here that cleaners are indistinguishable.

Here is the question:

It seems people take a dim view of Maxell, as it seems to dirty the heads faster. Also seems people like Sony. Prices are pretty close, So Im thinking of switching after cleaning the heads, but I also hear references on here that switching brands "causes head problems." How can that be, and can I/should I switch to Sony?

Many thanks,


Jeff Donald
March 3rd, 2004, 12:45 PM
Hi Eddie, thanks for posting. A search of your subject line, "Switching Tape Brands" returned well over 25 threads and you can view them here. ( I would start with the posts in the Long Black Line Forum then move to others if you can't find enough info.

The long and the short of it is, that switching tape brands is not recommended. If you do switch, a least run a head cleaner tape through first. If you have the time or feel more comfortable with having your heads cleaned professionally, do so.

Jean-Philippe Archibald
March 3rd, 2004, 12:46 PM
Hi Ed,

I had a similar behavior with my XL1. I was using JVC tapes avec on almost all tapes, the first 5 to 10 seconds was "desaligned" or "wide interlaced" as you say. Since I had switched to sony premium, the problem have disapeared. All is fine now.

You must use a cleaning tape before switching tape brand because differents brands may use differents type of lubricating material.