View Full Version : S16mm Question

Gabor Lacza
March 2nd, 2004, 08:39 PM
S16mm Film Workflow

Is this work flow I just wrote is possible and correct or it is way too wrong???? Thanks for any help I am not a professional film maker YET but learning and I was just thinking about a film editing workflow and wondering if this correct.
Thanks for any input

Editing Computers:
A.Dual 2Ghz G5 with 2GB RAM and Blackmagic HD card.
B.1Ghz G4 with 1GB RAM

1.Shoot footage
2.Scan negative at 1080p/24 into uncompressed Quicktime .mov format
3.Store the file on hard drives
4.Compress, uncompressed .mov file into OffilneRT with Blackmagic HD card on computer A .
5.Edit movie on computer B at OfflineRt resolution real-time.
6.On computer A recapture final edited movie at Online resolution.
7.Add titles and effects on computer A
8.Color Correction (real time) on computer A
9.Final movie is : HD 1080p/24 format uncompressed .mov file.
10.Compress to Mpeg2 and build DVD.
11.Store original HD master on Hard drive.

Matthew Groff
March 2nd, 2004, 11:08 PM
Well, number 1 is right. I assume by scan, you mean telecine. If you mean scan, as in scan with a flatbed, or negative scanner, that is not what you want to do, unless you have a million hours on your hands, and even then it's just not an ideal setup. As for telecine, I'm not sure what tape format you're telecing to... Maybe D5?

I don't know too much about the Mac workflow, but I tend to think that your best bet is this: shoot the film, have it telecined to DV with keycode/timecode, edit in DV, send your negative to a negative cutter, then try and get that into the computer at its highest resolution. This approach, however, will limit the effects you can do.

The uncompressed HD is a LOT of data to be pushing around, and while the new Macs are very good at this, it would still require a hefty RAID setup, I believe. Titles and effects are possible, but real time color correction I don't believe is a possibility. Again I'm not terribly familiar with Macs.

Perhaps you can tell us more about the project. Are there a lot of effect shots? It's usually easier to recommend somethign when it's known how many effect shots or transitions, etc. are called for. Perhaps this is just a general setup you'd like to work with?


Brandt Wilson
March 4th, 2004, 10:13 AM
If you are looking to finish in HD, you could do the following:

1) Shoot s16
2) Telecine with simultaneous streams to DV and HD
3) Edit in DV. Also edit audio on the mac, or have it outsourced to a studio.
4) Export your EDL
5) Offline the HD material to conform to your MiniDV material. This can be done at the studio your had do your telecine. Synch audio at this point.

If you have heavy effects, I suppose at this point you could bring your HD back into your Mac via SDI on a Kona HD board, and post with Shake or AE Production.

If you are looking to post in film, but without effects, a neg cutter can conform to your EDL. If you need effects, you can use your EDL and have those parts of your negs scanned at 2K, then have your post work done on a Matador or Inferno, then have your film burned to neg with an audio synch.