View Full Version : Tapeless recording... anyone doing it??

Peter Jefferson
February 29th, 2004, 03:54 AM
is it availble for the DVX??

Ive seen it for the PD150 and SL1x but i am yet ot see it for the DVX..

In particualr, im after something which runs off ts own power supply, and i can change HDD's on the fly...

any ideas??

Jeff Donald
February 29th, 2004, 04:07 AM
Peter, have you looked over our forum ( on tapeless recording? The HD is not interchangeable, so it may not meet your requirements. I don't know of any units that allow users to change the HD though. But it will only be a matter of time before someone adds that feature.

Barry Green
February 29th, 2004, 11:36 PM
Doesn't the FS-3 allow for interchangeable, hot-swappable drives?

Daniel Kohl
March 1st, 2004, 06:21 AM

I have been writting stuff in the Focus Enhansments Firestore forum about this topic.

Jeff Donald
March 1st, 2004, 06:42 AM
Thanks for the correction.

Jarred Land
March 2nd, 2004, 10:45 AM
Ive been using the MCE quickstream for a few months now and let me tell you its a whole new world. Zero dropouts and no tape changes for a good day of shooting. Then you take it home and its already digitized, you can even start editing right off the drive.

I still however drop a tape in and record in LP mode as a failsafe backup, it also gives me a second master to tuck away somewhere safe.

Peter Jefferson
March 3rd, 2004, 02:47 AM
any links to the MCE quickstream?? My searches arent goin that well... :(

Stephen van Vuuren
March 3rd, 2004, 02:49 AM

Jarred Land
March 3rd, 2004, 02:50 AM

I did a review of it here if you want to see what it looks like on the camera:

Jarred Land
March 3rd, 2004, 02:51 AM
Thanks Stephen.. beat me within a second :)

Peter Jefferson
March 3rd, 2004, 02:52 AM
dont worry, found it!!

pretty impressive, but where do u mount it on the dvx with when u have a light and wireless reciever as well?? LOL

Jarred Land
March 3rd, 2004, 02:54 AM
I made my own mount. that puts it underneath it.

Peter Jefferson
March 3rd, 2004, 03:39 AM
mate, your an absolute legend :)

Daniel Kohl
March 4th, 2004, 06:36 AM
Why didn't you guys post this stuff a week agoe?!

Jarred Land
March 4th, 2004, 01:50 PM
do you have a problem Daniel?

Jason Opat
March 4th, 2004, 08:41 PM
In case the hot shoe has to be occupied by a light or microphone MCE provides you with a belt clip attachment as a standard option.

Jarred Land
March 4th, 2004, 08:44 PM
It also fits perfectly and snuggly in the hand grip strap, provided your hand isnt in there :)

Jason Opat
March 4th, 2004, 09:01 PM
Keep in mind the QuickStream DV is not camera specific. It captures DV video from any digital video source that can provide DV data over a FireWire port. The QuickStream DV can connect to cameras or DV VTR Decks. Basically it recognizes a DV signal and then captures the data to its built in hard drive as a DV file. It is programmable to record in Raw .DV, .AVI2, Canopus .AVI2, and .MOV. With a tape in the camera it also captures timecode information as well.

Mark Richman
March 4th, 2004, 10:22 PM
Has anyone tested or tried the CitiDisk Pro from Shining Technology? I think its about $200-$300 less than the QuickStream.

I love this technology and can't wait to buy a couple of these.


Jarred Land
March 4th, 2004, 10:28 PM
pro isnt available as far as i know.. just the regular citidisk. And it is very similar to the quickstream.. very very very similar :)

Daniel Kohl
March 5th, 2004, 03:35 AM
No, I just ordered a 15" imac four days ago after not getting any response to my posts. The ibook is the first step in my building an alternative to the Firestore. If I had known about the MCE Quickstream I would not have started going in this direction.

I’ve ordered the Quickstream as well now. I’ll see if I can sell the ibook, or maybe it’s fate, and I’ll need it in the near future.

Everything is cool.... I hope.

Thanks for asking.

Aaron Koolen
March 5th, 2004, 04:37 AM
Well, the Quickstream does indeed look very very awesome. Has anyone used it with a GL2/XM2? I assume the DV control works fine and you don't need a tape in? What about timecode, does that get put on the footage?


Peter Jefferson
March 5th, 2004, 07:51 AM
apparently with the DVX, if u want to go totally tape free, u have to hit the record button on teh HD itself, which really isnt so bad as your not touching the cam...

Jarred Land
March 5th, 2004, 10:15 AM
your right peter... you cant record tape free on the DVX without manually pressing the quickstream record button.

Jason Opat
March 5th, 2004, 10:49 PM
The QuickStream DV can be controlled externally via the FireWire connection. All cameras send out the 1394AV signal. This signal is generated when you start and stop the tape mechanism. The Record button is made specifically to start and stop the tape mechanism. However, the QuickStream DV responds to the 1394AV signal and starts and stops accordingly. However, a tape must be present in order for the record button to function. If you hit it without a tape it will just prompt you to insert a tape and does not send out the signal. Every time you start and stop the tape a clip is created that corresponds on the drive. For longer recording you can leave a tape out and record up to 6 hours on the largest capacity QuickStream DV.

Time code exists for linear editing. Meaning it creates SMTE time code in order to reference data on the tape, allowing you to edit down to frames per second in an assemble, or insert editing modes.

Again, with a tape in the camera Time Code is generated for tracking data on the tape. If there is not a tape in the camera Time Code is not generated. The camera is standby mode as far as it is concerned and TimeCode is not generated without a tape.

There are only 2 cameras that I know of that accept external DV control signals. They are the Canon GL2, and the XL1S. This was created so one camera can be connected to another for editing purposes, according to the manual. This function can be turned off via the menu under DV control.

Jarred Land
March 5th, 2004, 11:06 PM
funny you didnt mention the extensive DV controls the DVX100 has..

along with the good old canon controls, You can set the DVX to send an external DV record singnal to record as soon as the tape is full.. for continuous recording.

Jason Opat
March 6th, 2004, 12:36 AM
I was actually reffering to the ability to control the camera externally via FireWire meaning it can accept signals from external devices to control its internal functions. I am not as familiar with the DVX100 cameras and am willing to hear of its functions.

Jarred Land
March 6th, 2004, 12:41 AM
almost every DV camera made now adays has ii394 device control.. its part of the spec. meaning you can send ff/ww/ play stop record etc. signals to the camera through the firewire port only.. Dont know if thats what you are refering too?

Anyways, the Quickstream not only records the Timecode from the camera, it records the entire Data track, in case you need that info for refering to exposure etc. after the day.

Jason Opat
March 6th, 2004, 01:21 AM
Actually I already referred to the standard 1394AV signal in my previous post which you are referring to.

I am refferring to a specialized function that is only on the GL2 and the XL1S. This particular function allows one camera to actually control the other one. This means you are actually controlling 2 cameras that are connected with one remote to edit in a linear fashion via firewire. The camera in VCR mode is actually sending out a signal controlling a second camera which is not a function of the standard 1394AV signal.

Does the DVX100 have this capability? I am not as well versed on its functions.

Jarred Land
March 6th, 2004, 01:36 AM
Are you talking about DV control...? meaning the options that when you press the rec/play button on the camera or on the remote it sends the a signal over firewire to another device (i.e the quickstream) to record etc.?

If so, all recent cameras do that, and with the DVX100 you have multiple configurations on how to set it unlike the Gl2...

you lost me on the whole edit thing.. in camera editing is really lame but I guess someone could do it if they had to. Good for making dubs though.

Jason Opat
March 6th, 2004, 02:06 AM
We are talking about 2 functions. DV Control and the function I am referring to on the Canon Cameras. It is a specialized signal that no other camera has. It is a control signal similar to what you are discussing but it is function that controls a second device in VTR mode to do things such as editing from camera to camera. This function is not really that popular as non linear editing is obviously the dominent way to edit.

All DV cameras in camera mode do send the DV control signal (1394AV) to external devices such as our QuickStream DV. I am referring to the ability to control an external device in VTR mode. I am just curios as to the DVX100's ability to perform this same function. I will download the manual and check it out.

Jarred Land
March 6th, 2004, 02:15 AM
no idea... would most likely never use it. The entire DV control component on the DVX is along the lines of more pro cameras, for instance like you are talking about, you wont be able to match time codes on your edits. The Canon XL1 and GL2 cannot replicate timecode from one camera to another... but neither can the prosumer sonys. Only the DVX's can do it, and of course pro cameras.

The feature you are refering to sounds nice, but as you mentioned is more of a gimic than an actual usefull option.

Hey anyways, have you guys or Shining addressed the small garbled data in the AVI when you record 24pA with the DVX?

And when is your windows Quickstream Manager available?